PDO plans for Marmul Polymer Project phases 2 and 3
With the Marmul Polymer phase 3, PDO is changing the scale of the project as it plans to install more than 500 wells to cost more than $1 billion capital expenditure. PDO is currently working on the feasibility study of this phase 3 that would make Marmul the world largest polymer flooding EOR project to include:
Marmul asset (under oil south directorate) is located in the southern most part of PDO’s concession area in the Sultanate. The topography and landscape of most of the asset is characterized by flat plains interspread with small drainage channels and …
PDO Awarded Contract for Marmul Polymer Project
2007年2月4日 · Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) announces the award of an engineering, procurement and construction contract for the Marmul Polymer Flooding project, the latest multi-million dollar enhanced oil recovery (EOR) project being undertaken by the company.
PDO drills 1,000th well at Marmul - Oil & Gas Middle East
2020年1月30日 · Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) has drilled the 1,000th well at the Marmul Rahab Thuleilat Qaharir cluster. This was part of an accelerated programme to boost production through secondary recovery.
PDO lets contract for Marmul polymer flood | Oil & Gas Journal
2007年2月23日 · Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) has let an engineering, procurement, and construction contract to a consortium led by SNF SAS, a French polyacrylamide producer, for a polymer flood in Marmul...
Petrofac wins $265m contract from PDO for Marmul Polymer
2018年4月2日 · The contract is the first award won by the oilfield services provider under a 10-year framework agreement it had signed last year with PDO. The framework agreement will allow Petrofac to deliver engineering, procurement and construction management (EP+Cm) support services for the major oil and gas projects of the Omani oil and gas firm.
Petrofac wins PDO contract for Marmul field | RIGFINDER
Petrofac said it was awarded a US$265 million contract by Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) for the development of the third phase of Marmul field in southern Oman. Marmul field is a chemical enhanced oil recovery (EOR) project that uses polymer for heavy crude recovery.
MEED | PDO plans polymer oil recovery expansion
2012年12月12日 · Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) is planning two phase expansions to the Marmul polymer project, at an estimated cost of over $1bn to maintain and increase oil production at the field.
PDO - Marmul Polymer Phase 3 (MPP3) - DMS Projects
Marmul Polymer Phase 3 is a key project for PDO. Upon completion it will significantly expand the Enhanced Oil Recovery programme for heavy crude.
PDO, Shell extract more oil with EOR - Hart Energy
2008年4月9日 · The PDO Marmul polymer flood project will extract 10% more heavy oil from the 6-billion-bbl field. (Illustration courtesy of Shell) has been producing oil for more than 37 years but still holds several billion barrels of oil.