Personal development plan (PDP) template - examples These examples are intended to be read alongside the GDC’s PDP template document, which is available on our website. Please note these examples are not intended to demonstrate a full PDP, but to give examples of how professionals may plan their activity
PPDP: to help you plan your activity in a meaningful and targeted way, reflecting your field of practice and linking to the development outcomes and your conditions/undertakings. Remember, you may wish to add to your PPDP throughout your remediation period.
Creating a personal development plan to deliver your professional ...
2024年1月29日 · What is a personal development plan for? Your personal development plan (PDP) is just that, a plan for your personal development as a dental professional. First and foremost, creating a PDP provides an opportunity for you to consider what CPD activities will help you to maintain and develop your practice as a dental professional.
• Understand the GDC requirements of using a PDP in Enhanced Continuing Professional Development • Know how to carry out a SWOT analysis • Demonstrate the ability to align SMART goals to PDP planning • Be able to produce a PDP to meet individual learning needs Introduction
Preparing a personal development plan for all members of the …
2017年9月8日 · Draws attention to upcoming changes to GDC enhanced CPD requiring a personal development plan (PDP) for all members of the dental team. Explains how to develop a PDP. Gives examples of...
The personal development plan (PDP) The PDP is designed for you to carefully consider your role as a dental professional, and what CPD will give you maximum benefit for maintaining and developing your practice in your current and future areas of work. The GDC encourages you to regularly review your plan as it relates to your role and daily ...
Personal development plan - Royal College of Surgeons
All UK dentists must record their Continuing Professional Development (“CPD”). The personal development plan (PDP) is a tool used to identify your individual clinical and training developmental requirements to enhance you as a clinician. It will help you determine the best way to meet these requirements and demonstrate your achievements.
Don't panic - DentalNursing
2018年6月29日 · Dental nurses have to complete a minimum of 50 hours of verifiable CPD per five-year cycle (Table 1) with the requirement of a minimum of 10 hours in any two-year period. Only verifiable CPD is to be recorded to the GDC.
Personal development planning - HEIW
The General Dental Council (GDC) introduced a new enhanced continuous professional development (CPD) scheme for dentists in January 2018 and for dental care professional (DCPs) in August 2018. The list below details the key changes: the requirement for professionals to plan CPD activity according to their individual “field (s) of practice”.
Personal Development Planning - Dental Nurse Network
The GDC stipulates that a DCP should have a PDP to identify and plan their CPD requirements. This is to achieve maximum benefit from CPD activities. A PDP involves identifying your learning needs, it incorporates CPD activity and aims to improve your professional status.