Replica of the PDP-1: PiDP-1 - Hackaday.io
2025年3月1日 · With the PDP-1 team at the Computer History Museum, we want to invite hackers and democoders to look at the PDP-1 - with the best of their code being run on the only real PDP-1 still alive at the CHM. With that goal in mind, we better make sure there is absolute fidelity in the PiDP-1's simulation...
PiDP-1 - obsolescence.dev
A team at the CHM has restored one PDP-1 to working order; and Angelo Papenhoff has written exact simulators in both Verilog and C. Shown above is our first prototype replica up and running - including the Type 30 display. The PiDP-1 is still in development - we hope to release it as a kit (or, as kit s, see below, in May 2025.
Replica of the PDP-1: PiDP-1 Gallery - Hackaday.io
2025年3月1日 · The DEC PDP-1 was, in many ways, at the root of modern computing: interactive - with keyboard and graphics display. It spawned spacewar, the very first computer video game; teco, the first text editor; and the interactive debugger (DDT).
Components | Replica of the PDP-1: PiDP-1 - Hackaday.io
Replica of the PDP-1: PiDP-1. Back to overview. Blinkenlights and vectordot graphics from 1959
obsolescence/pidp10: PiDP-10 system software package - GitHub
The PiDP-10 is a replica of the PDP-10, a 1960s mainframe, complete with glorious Blinkenlights. Inside sits a Raspberry Pi with two concurrent hearts beating: a virtualised PDP-10 and a physical Linux. One core may be virtual rather than silicon, but no matter.
PiDP-8: a Raspberry Pi As PDP-8 Minicomputer - Instructables
The pidp8 software boots an emulated PDP-8 on your Pi. Although intended to drive a replica front panel, it runs fine without the actual hardware. This page describes some of the things you can do with a PDP-8.
The PiDP-10 is finally done! And to celebrate I put up a web site ...
2024年3月2日 · We’re working on a PiDP-1 next, and a Whirlwind will complete the range after that. The PiDPs have become a real team effort, with Lars Brinkhoff and Richard Cornwell to thank for ITS and the PDP-10/KA10 simulator, Angelo Papenhoff for the PDP-1 simulation, and Guy Fedorkowski for the ongoing Whirlwind recovery project. We’re having fun!
PiDP-10 — Raspberry Pi Official Magazine - The MagPi magazine
2024年4月29日 · PDP-10s were the first computers to connect via ARPANET, which later became the internet. Pieces of the puzzle Oscar’s new project had two distinct parts: The emulator and the hardware.
Jimvin/PDPi-11: PDP-11 emulator goodness for Raspberry Pi - GitHub
PDPi-11 is a software bundle containing a PDP-11 simulator and various operating systems from the hugely popular (in it's time) minicomputer. Why? I recently read that a nuclear power plant in Canada was planning on keeping their PDP-11 that controls plant robotic systems in …
Newsletter, December 2024 - obsolescence.dev
In early 2025, a PiDP-1 replica will appear. For 2026, a Whirlwind replica is planned. Project Whirlwind, in the 40s and 50s, resulted in the first interactive computer – to be used not with punch cards but with a display and keypad (but not an alphanumeric keyboard, interestingly).