Press Release | Media - LG
2024年3月20日 · LG Chem is set to unveil cosmetic containers made from ‘Poly Ethylene Carbonate (PEC),’ a next-generation eco-friendly material produced from carbon dioxide, in collaboration with its eco-friendly partner, COSMAX, at the EcoZone.
LG Chem's new CO-based plastic - PEC - PLALEAVES
2024年4月14日 · LG Chem is showcasing its cosmetic containers made of polyethylene carbonate (PEC) at the Ecozone booth of its partner Cosmax, a leading Korean cosmetics manufacturer. PEC is a pioneering environmentally friendly plastic made from industrial emissions of carbon dioxide (CO₂) and ethylene oxide (EO).
LG Chem Blog
2024年6月21日 · PEC (Polyethylene Carbonate) is a next-generation eco-friendly plastic material obtained through the CCU* technology. It is made by utilizing carbon dioxide captured at factories, along with Ethylene Oxide.
Ti–Fe2O3/Ni(OH)x as an efficient and durable ... - ScienceDirect
2023年3月1日 · Photoelectrochemical (PEC) technology provides a promising prospect for the transformation of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic wastes to produce value–added chemicals. The PEC catalytic systems with high activity, selectivity and long–term durability are required for the future up–scaling industrial applications.
Photoelectrochemical conversion of plastic waste into high-value ...
2023年4月15日 · In this work, we demonstrate PEC upcycling of waste PET plastic into formate with high selectivity coupled with hydrogen production (Fig. 1). A nickel phosphate cocatalyst on α-Fe 2 O 3 photoelectrode (Ni-Pi/α-Fe 2 O 3 ) is developed to achieve a high Faradaic efficiency to formate over 85%.
PEC Group│moules à injection plastique & câblage filaire Tunisie
Plastic Electromechanic Company est un groupe de sociétés spécialisé dans la fabrication des moules à injection, la transformation des plastiques techniques, l’intégration des ensembles et des sous-ensembles électriques, le câblage filaire automobile et les dispositifs
pec 材质有哪些特点? - 知乎
2023年8月26日 · PEC材质是一种饱和高分子材料,俗称为 氯化聚乙烯。 它具有优良的耐侯性、耐臭氧、耐化学药品及耐老化性能,具有良好的耐油性、阻燃性及 着色性能 。 PEC管材的优点有:耐腐蚀、抗腐损性能好、良好的柔韧性能与耐冲击性能、使用寿命长、良好的卫生与环保性能. 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。 知乎凭借认真、专 …
Bioplastics from carbon dioxide, new and biodegradable
2012年10月14日 · The process to produce polyethylene carbonate (PEC), another new CO2 plastic, includes polymerization of ethylene oxide with carbon dioxide. It is a polymer with an even higher CO2 content by weight than PPC. Novomer possesses the patents for the production of this bioplastic as well.
Which Plastic for Slide Charts? PVC, PEC or - Physics Forums
2009年1月5日 · The manufacturer is now recommending PEC for the application, which is suppose to be more susceptible to higher temperatures. Can anyone verify that PEC would be the way to go or recommend a different material? My goal is make a durable slide chart that last through normal wear and tear.
PEC 材料有哪些优缺点? - 知乎
目前来说,除了贵一点,还是比较好的,PE材料是目前橱柜、衣柜门板材料中最为环保的一种,达到了食品级别(PE做成的材料具有强度大、透明性好、无毒、防渗透、高环保等优点。 因此,被广泛应用在各类食品、药品、 无毒无菌 的包装材料:像保鲜膜、饮料瓶、食用油包装瓶均是由PET材料做成)这是PET材料的最大卖点,因为现在的消费者越来越关注环保,也愿意为这类产品多花价钱买单。 1、耐腐蚀:PE管分子结构稳定性极高,无电化学腐蚀,除少数氧化剂外,可 …
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