Effect of seasoning-layer stress on fluorine diffusion
2020年8月3日 · We demonstrated that AlF 3 is formed on the surface of aluminum parts by the fluorine plasma used in the in situ cleaning process of PECVD and that the amount fluorine on the aluminum surface decreases depending on the stress of the seasoning layer. This effect is attributed to the adsorbed fluorine diffusing into the seasoning layer in direct ...
等离子增强化学气相沉积,英文全称:Plasma Enhancd Chemical Vapor Deposition,简称:PECVD,它是半导体行业中常用的一种薄膜沉积技术。 这种技术结合了化学气相沉积(CVD)的基本原理与等离子体技术,可以生产高品质的薄膜并精确地控制其属性。 区别于传统的CVD技术,PECVD通过使用等离子体来提高沉积效率,使其能在更低的温度条件下进行材料沉积。 在PECVD技术中,使用低气压下的低温等离子体在沉积室的阴极触发辉光放电。 此过程或 …
Method of removing PECVD residues of fluorinated plasma using …
Wet cleaning PECVD chambers is typically performed to remove AlF 3 residue and restore (i.e., control) film properties. Wet cleans temporarily remove a chamber from operation...
PECVD基本原理以及系统介绍 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
PECVD(Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition,等离子体增强化学气相沉积)是一种利用等离子体辅助的薄膜沉积技术,广泛应用于半导体、微电子、光学和光伏等领域。
PECVD and PEALD on polymer substrates (part II): Understanding …
The PECVD-coated films exhibit superior antiaging behavior compared to untreated PTMSP films, which could lead to commercial applications of high free volume polymers with minimized time dependency. Nevertheless, the relationship between aging mitigation and permeation resistance also needs to be studied more closely.
十分钟读懂PECVD - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
等离子增强型化学气相淀积 (pecvd)是化学气相淀积的一种,其淀积温度低是它最突出的优点。pecvd淀积的薄膜具有优良的电学性能、良好的衬底附着性以及极佳的台阶覆盖性,正由于这些优点使其在超大规模集成电路、光电器件、mems等领域具有广泛的应用。
Reduction of AlF 3 and ALFO defects by replacing ... - ResearchGate
2003年1月1日 · The SiOF film capped with the PECVD SiO2 film has enough stability for the process integration. It was confirmed that these technologies can be applied to a double level Al interconnection using...
PECVD and PEALD on polymer substrates (part I): Fundamentals …
PECVD is a well-known process to deposit thin films on various substrates. It combines cost-effective deposition and high deposition rates with a high degree of control over the film characteristics through variation of the plasma parameters.
等离子体增强化学气相沉积 (Pecvd):综合指南 - Kintek Solution
等离子体增强化学气相沉积(PECVD)是一种多功能制造技术,它利用等离子体增强有机和无机化学单体的反应性,从而沉积薄膜。 这种反应性的提高使其能够使用多种材料作为前驱体,包括那些传统上被认为是惰性的材料。 PECVD 能够使用固体、液体或气体形式的前驱体,从而方便、快速、无溶剂地制造薄膜涂层。 高密度等离子体增强化学气相沉积(HDPECVD)是在利用两种电源的沉积设备中进行的。 一个是与基底直接接触的偏置电源电容耦合等离子体,另一个是作为外 …
PECVD modification of nano & ultrafiltration membranes for …
2018年2月15日 · Effective PECVD methods for membrane modification are suggested. PEEK membranes are improved in aspects of permeance and rejection. Plasma-assisted transformation of ultra- to reliable nanofiltration membranes is identified. Effective OSN nanofiltrations are conducted within a range of organic solvents.
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