PEO Digital - Front Page
Provide the Marine Corps and Navy with a decisive information advantage through a modern, innovative, and secure digital experience – any data, any time, anywhere. PEO Digital’s five ambitious...
Leadership - PEO Digital
Louis Koplin is the Program Executive Officer for Digital and Enterprise Services (PEO Digital), where he oversees and coordinates the efforts of over 1,300 personnel providing the Marine...
PEO Digital’s portfolio includes Platform Application Services, Digital Workplace Services, Infrastructure Services, Cybersecurity and Operational Services, End User Services, Strategic...
Program Managers - Marine Corps Systems Command
The Program Executive Office for Digital and Enterprise Services (PEO Digital) is the Department of the Navy’s enterprise-wide information technology acquisition agent.
PEO Digital expands Identity, Credential and Access Management ...
PEO Digital is spearheading the deployment of an enterprise ICAM service that provides role-based access to authorized resources, with continuous vetting of user identities and...
DON PEO Digital - LinkedIn
The Program Executive Office for Digital and Enterprise Services (PEO Digital) is the Department of the Navy's (DON) enterprise-wide information technology acquisition agent.
About - NAVWAR Systems Command
PEO Digital is digitally transforming systems to evolve and deliver modern capabilities and technologies to maintain the competitive edge while meeting demand signals from our user...
PEO Digital is an integrated naval team comprised of Navy and Marine Corps employees that deliver digital and enterprise services to Sailors and Marines. Our organization reflects our Naval...
PEO Digital Implements FY 2022-2025 Strategic Plan
The Program Executive Office for Digital and Enterprise Services, more commonly referred to as PEO Digital, was established to focus on digital...
PEO Digital will change global AF software acquisition
The existing PEO Battle Management portfolio will remain in PEO Digital. New responsibilities include fielding minimum viable software products as fast as possible, designing for the user, automating cyber security processes, operating on the cloud and integrating developmental and operational testing.