Cellosaurus cell line PEO1 (CVCL_2686)
Characterization and properties of nine human ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lines. High resistance to cisplatin in human ovarian cancer cell lines is associated with marked increase of …
PEO1 Cell Line - CancerTools.org
PEO1 is an adherent cell line derived from a malignant effusion from the peritoneal ascites of a patient with a poorly differentiated serous adenocarcinoma. The patient previously received …
人卵巢癌细胞PEO-1-上海细胞库 - bluefcell.com
Regulated expression of the integrin alpha9beta1 in the epithelium of the developing human gut and in intestinal cell lines: relation with cell proliferation. Functional cell models of the gut and …
PEO1 Cell Line | Cell Lines - Ximbio
PEO1 is an adherent cell line derived from a malignant effusion from the peritoneal ascites of a patient with a poorly differentiated serous adenocarcinoma. The patient previously received …
Metabolic reprogramming from glycolysis to fatty acid uptake and …
2022年8月5日 · In addition, we studied isogenic PEO1/PEO4 cell lines derived from the same patient, at the time of a platinum-sensitive (PEO1) and platinum-resistant-recurrence (PEO4) 41.
Authenticated PEO1 Cell Line Sigma Aldrich - MilliporeSigma
PEO1; The PEO1 cell line has been used to study direct contact effect of platelets on the metastatic phenotype of tumor cells.
peo(peo1)人卵巢癌细胞. 1) 来源:蒂科生物细胞库. 2) 形态: 贴壁 上皮细胞样 . 3) 含量:>1x106 个/mL. 4) 污染:支原体、细菌、酵母和真菌检测为阴性. 5) 规格:T25瓶或者1mL …
PEO1 is a BRCA2 -deficient ovarian cancer cell line
We confirmed that the PEO1 olaparib-sensitive cell line is a carrier of the BRCA2 Y1655 * (c.4965C > G) variant (Table 1), consistent with previous reports as PEO1 cells were originally ...
PEO1 - AcceGen
PEO1 is an adherent cell line originally isolated from the peritoneal ascites of a patient afflicted with a hereditary heterozygous BRCA2 mutation (5193C>G (Y1655X)) and diagnosed with …
往瓶中加1-2 ml预热好的胰酶,置于37°孵育消化(第一次消化需时常取出置于显微镜下观察,以显微镜下细胞触角回收变圆、轻拍瓶壁见细胞脱落为最佳消化时间,记录最佳消化时间,以便于 …