Sider SP21 - SmokePatch
The (sider) is a tool made by (juce), which allows more things to be injected directly into the game such as more stadiums or automatic scorecards or others, bypassing game limits. start.game …
Releases · pes-modding/sider7 - GitHub
unified version that supports two different ways of installing/running sider; to accommodate different ways the game can be run: on Windows, macOS, Linux, and SteamDeck; custom events: support for creating custom trigger code and handler functions in Lua modules; updated LuaJIT compiler to 2.1 version from October 2024
实况足球大补安装基础教程番外—sider外挂游戏内操作指南_哔哩 …
ps4折腾版pes实况足球efootball 2021大补tutu2025r2分享以及安装方法
Sider v7.3.3 by Juce | PES 2021 - WE LOVE PES
2025年1月19日 · Sider7 is a companion program for PES 2021 and PES 2021 Lite. It allows for small tweaks - such as "free side-select" (which is where sider gets its name from), and time expander for the demo version. It also facilitates game mods, created by the modding community.
Sider v7.3.3官方下载by Juce | PES 2021 - 综合讨论区 - 实况论坛
2025年2月11日 · Sider7 是PES 2021 和 PES 2021 Lite的配套程序 。 它允许进行一些小调整 - 例如“自由侧选”(sider 的名字由此而来)和演示版本的时间扩展器。 它还支持由模组社区创建的游戏模组。
PES2021烟雾大补专属工具Sider SP21 V4 - 足球吧
2021年7月8日 · 这是烟雾大补专属工具Sider SP21的第4个版本,sider的dll版本是7.1.4,支持兼容PES2021所有烟雾大补版本。 Sider工具能帮玩家绕过游戏的限制挂载球场、记分牌等各类实况资源,让你的游戏内容更加充实,是游戏必备工具。
PES2021补丁加载工具Sider v7.1.5完整版 - 足球吧
2022年7月4日 · 补丁加载工具Sider非常知名,使用人数众多,很多PES2021玩家通过sider加载补丁实现了各种功能。 上一个版本v7.1.4的Sider还是去年夏天发布的,无意间发现上月这款工具更新到了v7.1.5,是一个完整版本,需要的玩家可以下载,感谢作者Juce。
PES 2021 Sider 2025 v7.3.3 下载!!! - =PES2021= 足球吧
PES 2021 Sider 2025 v7.3.3 是 2025 年 1 月 20 日为 eFootball Pro Evolution Soccer 2021 添加/连接软件和模组的新完整版本。 功能 v7.3.3 2025: - 修复了导致自定义事件中内存泄漏的错误。 如何更新现有 sider: 将 sider.exe 和 sider.dll 替换为新的。保留你已经拥有的所有其他东西。
Sider 7.1.4 by Juce for PES 2021 ( PES 2021 Patch 1.07.01
Sider is a companion program for PES 2021 . It allows for small tweaks - such as "free side-select" (which is where sider gets its name from), and time expander for the demo version. It also facilitates game mods, created by the modding community.
pes-modding/sider7 - GitHub
Sider 7 is a companion program for Pro Evolution Soccer 2021. You need Microsoft Visual C++ 64-bit compiler. Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition is assumed in the setenv.cmd file, but you should be able to use other versions of Visual Studio too. Build is done from command-line. Start cmd.exe, then switch to source directory, then:
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