Obtain a PESEL Number – a service provided to foreigners
If you are foreigner living in Poland, you can register your residence – in such a situation, you will automatically obtain a PESEL Number [Polish acronym for „Universal Electronic System for Registration of the Population”]. If you cannot register your residence, and any agency requires a PESEL Number from you – submit an application.
PESEL - Wikipedia
PESEL (Polish: Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności, lit. 'Universal Electronic System for Registration of the Population') is the national identification number used in Poland since 1979.
How to Obtain a PESEL Number in Poland? GB Poland
2024年10月23日 · A PESEL (Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności) is an 11-digit number that identifies residents of Poland. It includes your birthdate and unique digits for identification purposes. The PESEL number is used in almost every administrative procedure in Poland, from signing contracts to filing taxes. Who Needs a PESEL Number?
2022年9月12日 · PESEL 是通用人口登记电子系统的缩写。 自 1977 年以来,波兰一直使用的国家身份证号码,类似我们国内的身份证号码,它包含有关拥有 PESEL 号码的波兰公民和外国人的信息。 每个在波兰出生、以及来波兰生活定居的外国人都会被分配了一个PESEL编号,并且是唯一的,它由 11 位数字组成。 PESEL 编号中的数字是什么意思? PESEL 编号中的11位数字中的每一位都有自己的含义。 它们可以分类如下:YYMMDDPPPPK. YY - 这是出生年份的最后 2 位数 …
Obtain PESEL Number - GoPoland-Immigration Services
PESEL (Polish: Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności, Universal Electronic System for Registration of the Population) is the national identification number in Poland. It consists of 11 digits that are unique for every registered person.
PESEL number in Poland - Time2Legal
2024年8月29日 · The PESEL number (Universal Electronic System for Registration of the Population) is a unique 11-digit identification number assigned to every Polish citizen and foreigners residing in Poland. The PESEL is essential for handling many formalities, such as opening a bank account, signing rental agreements, or filing taxes.
How to Apply for a PESEL Number in Poland: A Step-by-Step …
2024年10月30日 · If you’re a non-EU resident in Poland, obtaining a PESEL number is an essential step. It’s used for a variety of legal and administrative processes, making it a useful document to have. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you apply without any hassle.
Applying for a PESEL Number in Poland: A Guide for Non-EU …
2024年2月19日 · PESEL, which stands for "Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności," is the national identification number used in Poland. In this article, we'll guide you through everything you need to know about applying for a PESEL as a foreigner.
PESEL Number for Foreigners in Poland: Helpful Tips for 2023
PESEL number (Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności) is a unique identification code assigned to each resident of Poland and foreigners residing permanently in the country. The PESEL is 11 digits and consists of the date of birth, a series of documents, a person's gender and a control number.
PESEL number – Arrival & stay - Careers in Poland
2018年4月17日 · PESEL, which stands for a Polish abbreviation of the Universal Electronic System for Registration of the Population, is a number given to every citizen of Poland at the moment they are registered with official authorities after their birth. Can it be acquired by a foreigner? And if so – how and what for?