How is PETSCII used by assembly-language programs?
The OS routines will return characters in PETSCII encoding, so a program using them expects input in PETSCII. A program using the hardware directly (scanning the keyboard matrix) will …
Why was PETSCII based on an obsolete version of ASCII?
2022年6月15日 · Why, then, did Commodore base the lower seven bits of PETSCII on the obsolete 1963 version of the ASCII standard (USAS X3.4-1963) instead of the then-current …
Software to generate C64 BASIC code printing PETSCII art
2022年11月21日 · Once you have the binary representation of the PETSCII loaded in a scripting language, the conversion to BASIC code output ought to be the most trivial part of this. …
commodore 64 - C64/PETSCII block graphic symbol: was there …
2020年7月23日 · The "PETSCII" encoding is based on keyboard positions of the original PET chicklet keyboard (*1): (Taken from Wikipedia ) The keyboard is made similar to basic …
What was the purpose and history of the C64's special keys?
2017年6月7日 · Background: The Original PET Keyboard and PETSCII. Most of these keys have their roots in the original Commodore PET 2001 keyboard: The scanning and conversion was …
How does the sequence $C3, $C2, $CD translate to "CBM"?
2024年4月1日 · The C64 used PETSCII, not ASCII, as its character set, and most Commodore 6502-based computers had a 'shift' between the normal layout, with uppercase letters at $41 …
How do I save Commodore BASIC programs in ASCII?
2021年3月14日 · As an alternative to Brian H's answer, I should also point out the petcat tool which comes with the VICE emulator and supports converting between tokenized Commodore …
Different handling of ASCII interpretation between ca65 and cl65
However, when I assemble to an object file first with ca65 helloworld.s and then link the object file with cl65 -C c64-asm.cfg helloworld.o -o helloworld.prg, I get a program that outputs the …
commodore 64 - Why the disparity between the screencodes and …
2018年9月11日 · Further, the PETSCII encoding corresponded to what the keyboard delivered, and the ROM was organized accordingly. So while it made sense for the first PET, the C64 …
commodore pet - Retrocomputing Stack Exchange
In a comment on Why does PETSCII have upper case and lower case reversed? So if you create a program that displays mixed-case text correctly on all Commodore 8-bit computers from the …