Pilot Flying (PF) and Pilot Monitoring (PM) - SKYbrary Aviation …
Nowadays, some operators use the Monitored Approach concept in which the pilot who is PM during the descent and approach will become PF for the landing in order to improve the operational safety aspects of the transition from instrument flight to the visual reference required for touch down after almost all approaches.
飞行员在飞行中如何进行工作职责划分 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
通常飞机在飞行阶段,飞行员将工作职责划分为操纵飞机的飞行员(PF,Pilot Flying)和监控飞机的飞行员(PM,Pilot Monitoring)。 操纵飞行员 (PF)在飞行阶段主要负责以下工作:
Pilot flying - Wikipedia
In commercial aviation with a two-person flight crew, the pilot flying (PF) is the pilot operating the flight controls of the aircraft. The other pilot is referred to as the pilot monitoring (PM) or pilot not flying (PNF).
PF vs PM : Who Flies; Who Talks; Who Configures; Who Briefs
2013年12月2日 · PF/PM inherits a clear structure when it’s the Captan flying – it’s less clear when the First Officer is PF, particularly during circumstances that require command decision thinking (non normals, diversions, etc) — but that’s another topic altogether … Traditionally the roles of the PF and PM have been divided up in the following way.
民航飞行员飞行中的标准喊话是什么样的? - 知乎
2017年1月12日 · 有一个基本概念是飞行时两个飞行员分工为PF(Pilot-Flying,操纵飞行员)和PM(Pilot-Monitoring,监控飞行员,过去叫PNF: Pilot-Not-Flying),有些标准喊话是PF发起,有些标准喊话是PM发起。
Working Together: Understanding PF and PM Roles
The flight deck roles of Pilot Flying (PF) and Pilot Monitoring (PM) are foundational to ensuring safety, efficiency, and smooth operations. This dual structure leverages the unique strengths and focus areas of two pilots, optimizing operations and enhancing situational awareness.
航空pm是什么意思? - 飞行学院 - 模拟飞行论坛
2023年10月21日 · PM是监控驾驶员的缩写 【按照工作职责和技术等级,驾驶员分为机长和副驾驶;按照本次飞行任务的工作分工,可以分为PF(操纵驾驶员pilot flying)PM(监控驾驶员pilot monitoring)】 以前有PNF(pilot not flying )后来完善到PM了。
1. At any point in time during the flight, one pilot is the PF and one pilot is the PM. 2. The PF is responsible for managing and the PM is responsible for monitoring the current and projected flight path and energy of the aircraft at all times. 3. The PF is always engaged in flying the aircraft (even when the aircraft is under autopilot control)
Pilot Flying (PF) and Pilot Monitoring (PM) - EAS blog
2021年6月21日 · Today we explain the importance and differences between Pilot Flying (PF) and Pilot Monitoring (PM). Aircraft certified as “multi-crew” by their manufacturers are aircraft that, due to their complexity and size, require more than one pilot in the cockpit.
The Pilot Flying (PF) must focus on flying the aircraft by controlling and / or monitoring the pitch attitude, bank angle, airspeed, thrust, sideslip, heading etc. to capture and maintain the desired vertical and lateral flight path. The Pilot Not Flying (PNF) must as-sist the Pilot Flying (PF) by actively monitoring all flight parameters