Chapter 61. - Title 23 - DOMESTIC RELATIONS - PA General …
"If you are the victim of domestic violence, you have the right to go to court and file a petition requesting an order for protection from domestic abuse pursuant to the Protection From Abuse Act (23 Pa.C.S. Ch. 61), which could include the following:
protection from abuse shall be made a part of the training curriculum for all trainee officers and deputies. All law enforcement agencies within this Commonwealth shall adopt a written
23 Pa. C.S.A. § 6101, Protection from Abuse Act
This statute provides for Protection From Abuse Orders (“PFA Orders”). These PFA Orders act as a safeguard to victims and their children from a family/household member who is abusing them.
The PFA Act does not cover abuse by a stranger or a roommate. Every county has a different process for a victim to get a PFA. Please call your local domestic violence program for information about your county process and the rights you may have as a victim of crime or abuse. What follows is a general description of the process for securing a
THE PFA ACT’S RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER PROCEEDINGS..... 77 SECTIONS AND CASES ..... 81. Table of Contents Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence | LOCAL: 717.545.6400 / TOLL-FREE: 800.932.4632 | PCADV.org | 2020 TABLE OF AUTHORITIES PENNSYLVANIA SUPREME COURT CASES ...
Understanding Pennsylvania’s Protection from Abuse (PFA) Law
Pennsylvania has passed several laws to help protect its residents from violence, such as the Protection from Abuse (PFA) Act. But what is the PFA law all about? The 1990 Protection from Abuse Act provides the procedure for obtaining a PFA order and the rules the victim, called the petitioner or plaintiff, and aggressor, called the respondent ...
Understanding Protection from Abuse (PFA) Laws in …
The Pennsylvania Protection from Abuse (PFA) Act provides legal protection to victims of domestic violence, abuse, and harassment. Under this law, individuals who have been subjected to abusive behavior by family members, intimate partners, or household members can seek a PFA order to prevent further harm.
Pennsylvania Protection From Abuse Act, 23 Pa.C.S. § 6101 et seq. § 6101. Short title of chapter This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Protection From Abuse Act. § 6102. Definitions (a) General rule.—The following words and …
Domestic Violence & Firearms: PA Act 79 - PCADV
Act 79 went into effect on April 10, 2019. This law includes improvements to Pennsylvania’s PFA Act and deals primarily with increased safety provisions related to firearms in both Protection From Abuse (23. PA C.S.) and misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence (18 PA. C.S) to help prevent domestic violence homicides.
Pennsylvania Protection From Abuse | The Banks Law Group
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania enacted the Protection From Abuse Act (PFA Act), 23 Pa.C.S.A. § 6101, et at., in December of 1990. When properly utilized, the PFA Act provides victims of domestic violence with swift, meaningful, tools to remove themselves from an ongoing abusive situation and protection from future acts.