光敏素的性质是什么? - 知乎
在黑暗中,光敏色素为红光吸收型(Pr),而在光下是远红光吸收型(Pfr),Pr 是生理失活型,而Pfr是生理激活型。 处于Pr 状态的光敏色素位于细胞质中,一旦受到光刺激,PCB或者PΦB中的一个碳碳双键就会发生异构化,进而导致光敏色素蛋白发生构象的改变。
Difference between PR and PFR form
Difference between PR form and PFR form (PR vs PFR form) PR form. 1. It is an inactive form is phytochrome. 2. Being inactive, it does not show phytochrome mediated responses. 3. It has an absorption maximum in red region (about 680 nm) 4. It is found diffused throughout the cytosol. 5.
Molecular mechanisms underlying phytochrome-controlled
2019年11月19日 · Phytochromes exist in two conformations, Pr and Pfr, the latter being the active form. They exist as dimers so three species can be found. Each monomer can be activated by red light (R) and...
Conformational differences between the Pfr and Pr states in
2009年9月15日 · We observe two distinct chromophore conformations in the Q188L crystal structure that we identify with the Pfr and Pr states. The Pr/Pfr compositions, varying from crystal to crystal, seem to correlate with light conditions under which the Q188L crystals are cryoprotected. We also compare all known Pr and Pfr structures.
Phytochrome Signaling Mechanisms - PMC
2004年7月6日 · Photoreversibility occurs because phytochromes exist as two distinct but photoreversible forms in vivo: the R light-absorbing form (Pr) and the FR light-absorbing form (Pfr). The Pr form absorbs maximally at 660 nm, whereas the Pfr form absorbs maximally at 730 nm (Quail, 1997a; Figure 1).
4.2.3: Photoperiodism - Biology LibreTexts
Phytochromes have two photo-interconvertible forms: Pr and Pfr. Pr absorbs red light (~667 nm) and is immediately converted to Pfr. Pfr absorbs far-red light (~730 nm) and is quickly converted back to Pr. Absorption of red or far-red light causes a massive change to the shape of the chromophore, altering the conformation and activity of the ...
30.18: Plant Sensory Systems and Responses - Biology LibreTexts
2024年11月23日 · Phytochromes have two photo-interconvertible forms: Pr and Pfr. Pr absorbs red light (~667 nm) and is immediately converted to Pfr. Pfr absorbs far-red light (~730 nm) and is quickly converted back to Pr. Absorption of red or far-red light causes a massive change to the shape of the chromophore, altering the conformation and activity of the ...
The phytochrome red/far-red photoreceptor superfamily
2008年8月28日 · Phytochrome acts as a molecular switch in response to red and far-red light. It occurs in two reversible conformations (Pr and Pfr), which absorb red light (R) and far-red light (FR) respectively.
光敏色素 - 百度百科
植物光质光合与光形态建成效率原理 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
光敏色素 (Phytochrome)及其调节植物发育的研究已有60余年的历史,它是蛋白质家族,由红光吸收型形态 (Pr)和远红光吸收形态 (Pfr)组成。 Pr-红光吸收型 (Red light-absorbing form),是生理失活型,吸收峰为660nm。 Pr-远红光吸收型 (Far-red light-absorbing form),是生理激活型,吸收峰为730nm。 图2-2表明300nm~800nm波长范围内光敏色素Pr和Pfr形态的相对吸收光谱差异较大,前者在红光波段有吸收峰,后者在远红光波段有吸收峰。 光敏色素 对红光和远红光吸收有 …