PFTBA Fragmentation pattern - Chromatography Forum
2016年10月21日 · PFTBA Fragmentation pattern Discussions about GC-MS, LC-MS, LC-FTIR, and other "coupled" analytical techniques.
Very low abundances for PFTBA fragments during GC-MS tune
2005年1月26日 · We have an HP 6890 GC/5973 MS that hasn't been used for over a month. On attempting an autotune, abundances for the perfluorotributylamine (PFTBA) standard fragments are unusually low. For example, abundance of the mass 69 fragment is in the 100s range instead of the 100000s range. Autotune errors have been "unable to achieve constant peak widths" - probably because the peaks are so small ...
New PFTBA, but can not tune - Chromatography Forum
2011年1月2日 · New PFTBA, but can not tune Discussions about GC-MS, LC-MS, LC-FTIR, and other "coupled" analytical techniques.
Agilent 5975C Calibration Valve Issue - Chromatography Forum
2017年2月10日 · Hello, I am working on a Agilent GC-MS system. I have run into some issues regarding the calibration valve. I typically run an analysis and open up my calibration valve for calibration with PFTBA at 55 C after my analysis. I noticed the signal from the PFTBA was slowly dying out. Eventually, the signal was so bad that the air leak at the end of our run was drowning out the PFTBA signal. I ...
high Ion 69 level in autotune, why? - Chromatography Forum
2007年10月12日 · Hi I have just recently started using GC-MS, Agilent 5975, with 6890. When performing the autotune with the PFTBA, I have noticed the Ion 69 abundance at levels greater than 500,000. The agilent literature gives an acceptance range of 2-400,000 abundance. The abundance was also high during qualification, but no action was taken. What is the significance of the high abundance and what should I ...
5975C Problem - Chromatography Forum
2019年8月16日 · Even when using just PFTBA, the abundances continually drop. I pulled the source out and looked over everything and didn't see any obvious damage to insulators and all the metal parts were clean and mirror-like.
Agilent 5973 Tune action stopped-no peaks - Chromatography …
2012年12月19日 · Agilent 5973 Tune action stopped-no peaks Discussions about GC-MS, LC-MS, LC-FTIR, and other "coupled" analytical techniques.
Unstable BFB tune - Chromatography Forum
2017年11月22日 · The BFB check is based on 95, the PFTBA has a mass at 100. What I do it set the three masses to 100, 50 and 219 ( to use for 174) and pick something like IF and do a ramp.
GC/MS-QP2010 Autotune Help - Chromatography Forum
2008年7月18日 · Does anyone know the best way to autotune a Shimadzu GC/MS QP2010???? My manual is worthless..... I am tuning with PFTBA and trying to get BFB to pass..... Any help is appreciated, as I am an Agilent girl at heart.....and these …
MS tune theory question - Chromatography Forum
2012年6月17日 · MS tune theory question Discussions about GC-MS, LC-MS, LC-FTIR, and other "coupled" analytical techniques.