Ukrainian PG-14.5 NIGHT PREDATOR Anti-Materiel Rifle
2021年8月20日 · PG-14.5 Night Predator is a single-shot rifle with a removable breech block/bolt and a rotary lockup of the action. The rate of fire is 6 rounds per minute. The company claims …
乌克兰PG-14.5“暗夜猎手”反器材武器,开发公司:这是步兵炮 - 知乎
2021年10月20日 · PG-14.5本质上是一种单发装填的反器材武器,采用尾部单发装填,旋转闭锁,枪口安装大型的抑制器,可以起到消音、消焰、降低热特征的作用。 大部分枪械两脚架都 …
Introducing the PG-14.5 Night Hunter: The Ultimate Anti-Material Weapon
The PG-14.5 Night Predator, also known as the Night Hunter, is a single-shot anti-material weapon developed by the Ukrainian company Mayak. It uses 14.5mm ammunition and has a...
Objective limitations versus promised performance. Large-caliber …
2021年11月8日 · Ersatz weapons are rarely successful, but this does not prevent us from pinning great hopes on it. A good example of this is the Ukrainian large-caliber rifle PG-14,5 "Nichny …
Yemen Sets its Sights on Ukraine’s New Infantry ... - Defense Express
2021年8月31日 · The PG-14.5 infantry portable cannon has succeeded through testing held in the Arabian Peninsula Saudi Arabia was the initial export customer for the PG-14.5. The country …
Mayak showcases Night Predator sniper rifle
2021年8月22日 · Kyiv plant "Mayak" displays at IDEF 2021 the Night Predator Infantry Cannon PG-14,5 sniper rifle. The Ukrainian development has aroused great interest from all members …
The PG-14.5 Night Predator 'Infantry Cannon' by the Mayak ... - Reddit
2021年8月26日 · This looks like a weapon that was improvised on the battlefield but which then got approved for serial production. There's a video in the second link but it's still not clear how …
PG-14.5, Ukrainian anti-materiel rifle : r/CursedGuns - Reddit
2021年11月25日 · An easily produced single-shot 14.5mm rifle using as many available components as possible. Fitted with a silencer and night sight, it is allegedly inaudible beyond …
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PG14强袭自由高达 - 高达WIKI_BWIKI_哔哩哔哩