Postgraduate Certificate Academic Practice (PGCAP)
Develop your global academic practice through a professional postgraduate qualification and Fellowship (FHEA), which are both internationally recognised. Developed as part of a unique collaboration with the University of Liverpool, this programme is designed to improve your ability to support learning within higher education.
Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education - Wikipedia
The Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCHE), alternatively called the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP), is a British teaching qualification for university lecturers and similar professionals.
Postgraduate Certificate Academic Practice (PgCAP)
2024年2月26日 · Aims of the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice. Who can attend the programme, how to register, information on fees and fee waivers. The Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice programme structure, course options plus the full course handbook to download - for students who started their programme from December 2017 - December 2022.
The PGCert in Academic Practice (PGCAP) is designed to support the professional development of staff involved in teaching and supporting learning in Higher Education at various points in their career but with a focus towards staff on the Early Career Development Programme (ECDP).
PGCAP - Academic Development - University of Liverpool
The Postgraduate Certificate Academic Practice (PGCAP) is a Level 7 qualification which can be taken as an exit award, or part of The Academy's Postgraduate Diploma Academic Practice (PGDAP) and Master of Arts Academic Practice (MA AP).
PGCAP - Queen Mary Academy - Queen Mary University of London
PGCAP is for educators with a substantial teaching or student support role. The programme will support you to apply research-informed principles and approaches to enhance your education practice. PGCAP is a 60 credit Level 7 PGCert, leading to Advance HE Fellowship and fulfils the probation requirements for new lecturers.
2023年6月11日 · PGCAP是“Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice”的缩写,中文翻译为“高等教育学术实践研究生证书”。 它是一种由高等教育机构提供的学术资格证书,旨在培养教育工作者的教学和学术实践能力。 PGCAP课程主要面向高等教育领域的教师、讲师和教育工作者,帮助他们发展教学技能、教学策略和课程设计能力。 该证书课程通常包括关于教学方法、评估与反馈、教学技术和学生支持等方面的培训。 利物浦大学(University of Liverpool) …
PGCAP - OD&PL Student Education Development
Challenge your thinking, enhance your practice and connect with your peers by engaging in our Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP). We run two PGCAP cohorts each year, starting in February and September.
Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP)
The PGCAP is a collaboration between the International Education and Lifelong Learning Institute (formerly the Centre for Educational Enhancement and Development), the Office of the Vice Principal Education, Schools and Units and draws on the expertise of academic and professional colleagues from across the University.
The Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP)
What is the PGCAP? The Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice is a Level 7 taught course designed to provide a theoretical and practical grounding in learning, teaching and assessment for those involved in teaching, facilitating learning and …