Precision Guidance - BAE Systems
BAE Systems' Long Range Precision Guidance Kit (LR-PGK) with GPS anti-jam technology corrects inherent ballistic errors of high-explosive and rocket-assist artillery projectiles to deliver long range precision fires.
APKWS® Precision Guidance Kit - BAE Systems
With the category’s highest combat-proven hit rate, APKWS guidance kit equipped rocket consistently hit their intended target with pinpoint accuracy while limiting collateral damage.
Long Range Precision Fires | BAE Systems
Long Range Precision Guidance Kit (LR-PGK) : Our PGK with GPS anti-jam technology corrects inherent ballistic errors of high-explosive and rocket-assist artillery projectiles to deliver long range precision fires. NavFire™ GPS receiver : NavFire is a 24-channel, dual-frequency, all-in …
BAE Systems to develop LR-PGK for US Army’s 155mm artillery shells
2020年7月23日 · BAE Systems has won a contract to manufacture Long-Range Precision Guidance Kits (LR-PGK). Under the $33m multi-year contract, the company will produce LR-PGK for the US Army’s 155mm Extended Range Cannon Artillery (ERCA) munitions artillery shells.
PGK - 百度百科
PGK是精确导引套件(Precision Guidance Kit,PGK)的英文缩写,是美国陆军和美国海军陆战队装备,BAE系统公司、通用动力公司、诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司等生产的一种改进型火炮引信。其自带GPS接收器和旋转稳定风偏修正弹翼,用来将普通的155mm口径榴弹炮弹(M795高爆 ...
BAE Systems’ LR-PGK: The superior Anti-Jam solution
2024年3月6日 · LR-PGK is designed to meet current and anticipated EW threats to ensure that joint fires remain effective on the modern battlefield. LR-PGK builds upon BAE Systems’ extensive experience...
M1156精確制導套件 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
BAE已宣布开发长程精确制导套件(Long Range Precision Guidance Kit, LR-PGK),拥有更加的抗干扰能力并兼容包括火箭增程弹(rocket-assist projectile)等长程炮弹 [20] 。
野战炮兵精确弹药的最新发展(3)_引信 - 搜狐
2019年8月25日 · pgk基于引信系统,可将常规155毫米炮弹改进为gps制导弹药,是一种提高炮弹精度的高效费比解决方案。 PGK将具备防诱骗能力的GPS接收机与十字形布置的4个鸭式舵翼结合起来。
2022年10月15日 · 贝宜系统 (BAE Systems) 宣布,日前已成功于犹玛试验场 (Yuma Proving Ground)进行用于美国陆军增程火砲砲兵系统 (Extended Range Cannon Artillery, ERCA)155毫米导弹的远程精确引导组件 (LR-PGK) 加装试射,展现其在极端发射条件下的机 …
BAE Systems 장거리 정밀유도 키트(LR-PGK) 핵심 발사시험 통과
2022年10月12日 · 미국 유마시험장(Yuma Proving Ground)에서 BAE Systems가 개발한 155mm 포탄용 정밀유도 키트(Long-Range Precision Guidance Kit, LR-PGK)를 미 육군의 사거리연장자주포(ERCA)에서 성공적으로 발사하였다.