Essex Freemasons
Essex Freemasons: A thriving community dedicated to charity, tradition, and personal growth. Learn about Freemasonry in Essex, how to join, our Masonic lodges,
Leadership Team - Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex
Meet the leadership team of Essex Freemasons. Learn about the dedicated individuals guiding our fraternity, upholding traditions, and supporting our community.
Get in Touch - Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex
Contact Essex Freemasons for inquiries about membership, events, and charitable initiatives. Get in touch and discover more about Freemasonry in Essex
Adventure Holidays for all ages | PGL
PGL offers the best in school trips - activity adventure trips in the UK and Europe, subject study courses, ski trips, outdoor education and school trips to France. Outdoor activity breaks and residentials at PGL adventure centres - for Scouts, Guides, Cubs, Brownies, Youth Clubs and Groups. Get your group outdoors and active!
夏令营系列1——PGL Holidays - 知乎
其名字的含义是Parents Got Lost(爸爸妈妈靠边站),给孩子一个机会,离开父母独立的生活一段时间。 2023年的夏令营和儿童营有着: 更多的活动中心——PGL在英国一共有13个营地中心! 包括新福特城堡和纽比威斯克。 全新改进的儿童营地阵容——提供更多骑马、运动营地和水上运动营地。 更低的价格——每人£199起。 您可以使用托儿券或免税托儿服务付款。 提供24小时托儿服务。 不间断的营地活动。 8-16岁的特定年龄组——PGL把孩子按照年龄进行分组,8-11 …
Essex Freemasons
2024年5月7日 · Tel: 01268 571610. View Website. Number of post comments: 0. Log in/register to see and post comments.
Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Essex
The website for the Mark Province of Essex, incorporating The Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariner
About PGL
We specialise in educational activity courses, residential school trips, French Language courses, children’s activity holidays, summer camps and secondary school ski trips, with centres in the UK and France. Since 1957, we’ve grown enormously because we’re passionate about what we do.
Provincial Grand Lodges (UGLE) - Wikipedia
Provincial Grand Lodges are administrative subdivisions of a Grand Lodge. Under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England, they are the regional governing bodies of Freemasonry in the England, Wales, the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands. [1]
The Report of the Provincial Grand Lodge Building Fund will be presented, and a proposition made that it be received, adopted and entered on the Minutes. To confirm, as agreed by the Committee of General Purposes, that the sum of £50,000 be transferred to the Essex Freemasons Community Fund.