Panels | PHPFusion Documentation
The basic layout of a PHPFusion site are usually based on Panels unless you use a very customized Theme. There are seven Panel Positions (left, below header, upper center, center, lower center, above footer and right).
Installation | PHPFusion Documentation
Learn the essentials of web development technologies and build your own website with PHPFusion.
PHPFusion Documentation
PHPFusion Documentation Learn the essentials of web development technologies and build your own website with PHPFusion.
Phpfusion 9 documentation | PHPFusion Documentation
Learn the essentials of web development technologies and build your own website with PHPFusion.
Forum | PHPFusion Documentation
Learn the essentials of web development technologies and build your own website with PHPFusion.
Addons | PHPFusion Documentation
Addons. Addons is the collective term for all PHPFusion's Infusions, Themes, Panels, Plugins, Widgets, BBCodes, User Fields, Graphics or any other PHPFusion based additions such as Core modifications or similar additions.
Theme manager | PHPFusion Documentation
The Theme Manager will allow you to do specific CSS overrides for Bootstrap classes and to have your own set of preset configurations to any given Bootstrap based Theme.
Fusion_set_cookie | PHPFusion Documentation - Official Home of …
Learn the essentials of web development technologies and build your own website with PHPFusion.
Locales | PHPFusion Documentation
Locales. All texts in a PHPFusion site can be located in files we call Locales, this gives the site owners and the site users the ability to change both the displayed Language and the Language of the content.
Requirements | PHPFusion Documentation
PHPFusion 9 is built to run on most configurations. This means that you will be able to run PHPFusion in just about any given web hosting environment if you have the minimum requirements.