Platform compatibility tags - Python Packaging User Guide
2025年3月15日 · Platform compatibility tags allow build tools to mark distributions as being compatible with specific platforms, and allows installers to understand which distributions are …
Pip Tag - Drilling & Well Completion - tidjma.tn
What is a Pip Tag? A Pip Tag is a small, radioactive source, typically consisting of a tiny pellet of a radioactive material like Cesium-137 or Iridium-192, embedded in the casing threads or …
PIP-Tag Sources | Gamma Sources | Reference and Check Sources …
Recommended working life: 10 years. The source is made in the form of a flat strip 43 mm long and 11 mm wide. The active part of the source (a wire made of Ni-Co alloy 2-6 mm long and …
Hunting | Radioactive Marker Sub
A small radioactive pip tag is secured inside a cavity on the side of the Radioactive Marker Sub with a set screw. The sub is then placed a known distance above the firing head as part of the …
【转】查看python支持whl名称的方法 - _Ackerman - 博客园
2022年3月4日 · 之前旧版本的无效方法是Python语句,而此次有效命令则是pip命令,直接在命令行中输入,不要在Python解释器中输入哦! 在找到python支持的标签后,就去下载对应的版 …
Maxpro Radioisotope Marker Sub can be used to make very accurate depth correlation of pipe conveyed gun systems. small radioisotope pip tag is secured inside a cavity on the side of the …
python wheel 包命名规则和 abi 兼容 - spacewander
2016年11月24日 · wheel 包的命名格式为 {distribution}-{version}(-{build tag})?-{python tag}-{abi tag}-{platform tag}.whl。其中各个 tag 的意义和取值在 PEP425 中有规定...
Pip tag procedures - Pip tag installation procedure - Studocu
Pip tags are small pellets of Cobalt-60 metal that can be installed into atool joint for a temporary installation. Pip strips are small strips of acetate with imbedded Cobalt-60 powder. The strips …
python - What are the valid values for --platform, --abi, and ...
2018年4月5日 · In short, for Linux, the platform tags are defined in PEP600, and follow the convention: manylinux_[GLIBCMAJ]_[GLIBCMIN]_[ARCH]. For Windows, see below. If you …
Alternative radionuclides for using in oil exploratory tools - PIG TAG
2025年1月4日 · The ionizing radiations are present from prospecting to production of oil or gas, using a variety of techniques with radioactive sources. The radioactive tracer (pip tag) is a …