PK machine gun - Wikipedia
Unlike the AKM and RPK the PK machine gun series is an open bolt design, which improves heat management during automatic fire compared to closed bolt designs and helps avoiding the dangerous phenomenon known as "cook-off", wherein the firing chamber becomes so hot that the propellant contained in a chambered round unintentionally ignites ...
In the Soviet Army what different roles did the RPK play ... - Reddit
2017年8月25日 · RPK (later RPK-74 and RPK-74M) is unified LMG (unified with AK/AK-74) and every motorifle squad had it. While originally RPK was designed for the 7.62x39 mm cartridge (same as AK-47, AKM), RPK-74 was chambered to 5.45x39 mm (just like AK-74). PK and PKM are chambered for 7.62x54 mm - which is more powerful (vs 7.62x39 and moreover 5.45x39).
轻武器科普之PK/PKM系列通用机枪简介 - 哔哩哔哩
PKS/PKMS是配轻型三脚架作重机枪状态的PK/PKM,任何PK或PKM都可以加上三脚架转换为PKS/PKMS。 PKT/PKMT是在坦克上用作并列机枪,没有握把和枪托。 采用PKT的装甲车辆包括T-72和T-80主战坦克及BMP步兵战车。 PKB/PKMB是车载机枪,其实就是以车辆上的武器支架代替PKS的三脚架。 在冷战时期,PK系列机枪广泛分布到世界各地,并在许多地区冲突中使用。 PK系列机枪也被许多苏联/俄罗斯以外的国家生产,如:保加利亚、匈牙利、罗马尼亚、中 …
PK vs RPK - seemingly inappropriate comparison performed by …
2024年11月7日 · Under the same firing conditions, the 5.6 mm RPK light machine gun is 1.73÷2.06 times more effective than the company 7.62mm PK machine gun. The maximum advantage of the 5.6 mm RPK light machine gun compared to the 7.62mm RPK was obtained at a range of 600÷636 m and close to the maximum at a range of 800m.
2007年10月18日 · Completely different weapon systems. The RPD is a Degtaryev design, 7.62x39mm, uses a unique locking mechanism. The PK series is a belt fed Kalashnikov design in 7.62x54mmR, and is more a General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) vs. a Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW), which is what the RPD was designed for.
pkm机枪和rpk哪个更先进更厉害一些 - 百度知道
2011年1月3日 · pkm是通用机枪,也就是介于轻机枪和重机枪之间的,7.62毫米口径,射程可以达到一千米,rpk是俄军制式轻机枪,5.45毫米口径,射程600-800米。这两种枪使用范围不同,一个是排级连级部队使用的支援武器,一个是班用支援武器,当然是pkm威力更大
RPD和RPK:两挺不同的轻机枪,都是苏军步兵班主力 - 知乎
RPD和RPK,是两挺不同供弹方式的轻机枪,当年,都是装备苏军 步兵班 的班用机枪,两者发射相同的7.62×39毫米 中间威力步枪弹,有效射程基本上相当都在1000米距离内。 但苏军用RPK逐步取代RPD,成为步兵班攻防的主力枪械,原因还是前者的重量较轻,空弹鼓状态下为5.6公斤,空弹匣状态下仅5公斤,而后者在空弹盒状态下则有7.5公斤,显然同样的轻机枪,发射同样的枪弹,差不多的有效射程,苏军就考虑了枪械的减重。 当然,RPD轻机枪也不是一无是处,至 …
PKP机枪在俄军是通用机枪还是班用机枪? - 知乎
2020年8月19日 · PKM/PKP编在步兵班里至少占两个编制(射手+副射手),弹药不通用(7.62*54R,其他人都是5.54*39),消耗子弹速度还特别快。 PKP是代替PKM,成为俄军连属机枪排的轻机枪,必要时再下发到班内,还是直接一步到位当班用轻机枪。 除了早…
RPK轻机枪 - 枪炮世界
RPK在许多设计特征不同于AKM:枪管延长并增大枪口初速;增大弹匣容量以延长持续火力;配备有折叠的两脚架以提高射击精度;瞄准具增加了风偏调整;枪托与捷格加廖夫RPD机枪的枪托相同,并为空降部队研制了折叠式木制枪托的RPKS。 RPK也可以使用中国产的81式75. RPKS轻机枪.
pkm VS rpk - Either Choice
For instance, the PKM's accuracy is unmatched in urban warfare scenarios, where pinpoint accuracy is crucial to minimize collateral damage. In stark contrast, the RPK light machine gun is plagued by its appalling inaccuracy, rendering it unreliable in high-pressure situations.