PKP class EP08 - Wikipedia
EP08 (also manufactured as Pafawag 102E) is the name for a Polish electric locomotive used by the Polish railway operator Polskie Koleje Państwowe (PKP), produced between 1972 and …
Pafawag 102E – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
EP08 (typ 4Ea i 102E) – normalnotorowa pasażerska lokomotywa elektryczna produkcji polskiej produkowana w latach 1972–1976 w zakładach Pafawag we Wrocławiu. Przez kolejarzy …
PKP class EP08 – Poland’s fastest “roarers” – European Traction
The 15 machines of class EP08 (nicknamed "świnie" = "pigs") were, in their day, the fastest locos in Poland. Built by Pafawag in Wrocław in the 1970s, these speedy 3000V dc Bo-Bos were …
EP08 - locomotives.com.pl
After the entire EU11 program had collapsed (all locomotives of this type were finally sold to Italy and none saw service with PKP), it was decided to keep all remaining nine EP08s in use. …
【科普】波兰国家铁路第二款两节固定重联干线电力机车——ET41 …
到1977年停产时,Pafawag公司已制造240台EU07型机车(001号~240号),后来又有4台设计类似的EP08型机车改为EU07型机车。 研制 1977年~1983年间,HCP生产了200组ET41型机车。
电力机车EU07 - SimRail Wiki
EP07是波兰铁路基于EU07改造的标准轨客运用机车,EU07基于从英国进口的EU06机车制造,目前EP07均归属于PKP Intercity和Polregio。 本机车仍是波兰国铁的主力机车,除客运外,也用 …
Electric locomotive EP08 - SimRail Wiki
EP08' (type 4Ea and 102E) - passenger electric locomotive of normal gauge of Polish manufacture produced in 1972-1976 in Pafawag plant in Wroclaw. It was called pig by the …
PKP EP08 sorozat – Wikipédia
A PKP EP08 sorozat egy lengyel négy tengelyes, Bo'Bo' tengelyelrendezésű 3000 V DC áramrendszerű villamosmozdony-sorozat. Összesen 15 db-ot gyártott belőle 1972 és 1976 …
PKP class EP08 - Trains
EP08 is the name for a Polish electric locomotive used by the Polish railway operator
PKP EU06 / EU07 / EP08 von Piko (96372, 96373, 96374, 96375, 96377 ...
2024年11月8日 · Piko hat die Modellausführung der PKP-Baureihe EP08 in der Intercity-Lackierung als Neuheit 2023 aufgenommen. Das Modell in der blau/grauen Lackierung ist mit …
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