PKP class SM31 - Wikipedia
SM31 (production model 411D) is a Polish series of diesel shunting locomotives used by PKP and industry. [1] The SM31 class was designed for shunting heavy freight trains in large freight stations, works and harbours. The design was elaborated in Fablok in 1973, mainly on the basis of SM42 locomotive.
SM31 - locomotives.com.pl
1) Formally owned by the manufacturer. 2) No service with PKP. 3) Occasionally delegated to industry. 4) Between 2001 and 2014 leased to several private operators.
SM31 - locomotives.com.pl
2022年11月26日 · First three production examples were delivered to PKP in 1976 and, until 1985, state railways received 167 locomotives of this type from Fablok, numbered SM31-003 through SM31-169. Furthermore, thirty machines (including two prototypes, SM31-001 and SM31-002) went to various industrial operators between 1977 and 1984.
PKP class SM32 - Wikipedia
Fablok 401D and 401Da (factory type Ls350E, initially series PKP SM31, later SM32) is a Polish switcher diesel locomotive, produced between 1966 and 1979 in a total of 501 units by Fablok in Chrzanów. The 401D locomotive was designed to replace the 1D diesel engine. Its design was completed in 1964, and a prototype was built two years later.
PKP-Baureihe SM31 – Wikipedia
Die Lokomotiven der Baureihe SM31 der Polnischen Staatsbahnen (PKP) sind Diesellokomotiven für die Beförderung von Güterzügen und für den Rangierdienst. Unter der Typenbezeichnung 411D entwickelte Fablok in Chrzanów ab 1973 eine Rangierdiesellokomotive auf Basis der Baureihe SM42 entwickelt. 1976 wurden zwei Prototypen als SM31-001 und ...
411D - Enkol
PKP otrzymało 167 sztuk SM31 a 30 egzemplarzy trafiło do przemysłu, głównie do górnictwa, gdzie trafiły także dwa prototypowe egzemplarze oznaczone pierwotnie numerami 001 i 002. Z przemysłu pochodziła też ostatnia zakupiona przez PKP lokomotywa, której nadano numer 170.
PKP class SM31 | EPFL Graph Search
SM31 (production model 411D) is a Polish series of diesel shunting locomotives used by PKP and industry. SM31 class had been designed for shunting heavy freight trains in large freight stations, works and harbours. The design was elaborated in Fablok in 1973, mainly on the basis of …
PKP class SM31 - Wikiwand
SM31 is a Polish series of diesel shunting locomotives used by PKP and industry.
SM31-131 | PKP 1,180 hp Class SM31 Co-Co No.SM31-168 at …
2017年11月20日 · PKP 1,180 hp Class SM31 Co-Co No.SM31-168 at Leszno Depot, 20 November 2017. Fablok built 167 of these locos for PKP plus c.40 for private industry in 1976-85. The class is a heavy shunting and trip freight version of the medium shunting SM42.
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Clase PKP SM31 - AcademiaLab
La clase SM31 ha sido diseñada para maniobrar trenes de mercancías pesados en grandes estaciones de mercancías, obras y puertos. El diseño fue elaborado en Fablok en 1973, principalmente sobre la base de la locomotora SM42.