These two results, taken together, are strong evidence of wave energy arriving on seismograms well before the predicted time for PP waves. The inference that the analysis has detected a …
IASPEI standard phase list
At shorter distances, the first leg is represented by a crustal P wave. PcP reflected from the free surface N-1 times; N is a positive integer. For example PcP2 is PcPPcP. (alt:P z P) P …
PdP and PKiKP Waves and Diffracted PcP Waves - Oxford …
PKiKP waves (reflections from the inner core) are traceable in this data sample back to 106°. The result is consistent with a sharp inner core boundary at 1220 km radius.
Evidence for scattering of seismic PKP waves near the mantle-core ...
May 1, 1974 · Amplitudes and slownesses of scattered waves have been calculated for earth models which are spherically symmetrical except for random variations in density and elastic …
PKP precursors: Implications for global scatterers
May 2, 2015 · Precursors to the core phase PKP are generated by scattering of seismic energy from heterogeneities in the mantle. Here we examine a large global data set of PKP …
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
Sep 5, 2024 · Seismic body waves traversing the Earth's interior provide critical constraints on structures and dynamics of the Earth's deep interior, including the solid inner core (IC). The …
Figure 2 illustrates the ray paths of these core phases. PKIKP (PKPdf) is the P wave transmitted through the inner core. PKiKP (PKPcd) is the P wave reflected off the inner core boundary …
Cross-section of Earth showing three main phases of PKP waves
We present a significant addition to the dataset of travel times of seismic PKP waves that sample the Earth’s lowermost mantle and core along the Earth’s rotation axis.
論用PKP波測定极远地震的震級 - geophy.cn
In this paper, the authors suggest a method of determining the magnitude of teleseisms by using the amplitude and the corresponding period of PKP waves. The following formula is used for …
Theoretical short-periodpPKP andPKP wave amplitudes | Studia …
Sep 1, 1991 · The influence of the source depth and of the subduction slab dip on the ratio of the short-period pPKP and PKP wave amplitudes is calculated and discussed, for the case of …
- Some results have been removed