Structure of ultrathin Fe films on Cu(100) prepared by pulsed laser ...
2001年5月1日 · The structures of ultrathin Fe films on Cu(100) prepared by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and conventional thermal deposition (TD) are compared by means of low-energy electron diffraction (LEED). Below 5 ML coverage, PLD films exhibit up to four times higher integer-order LEED spot intensities, i.e., improved film quality, and show small but ...
低速電子線回折装置(LEED) : 表面分析装置 | 株式会社パスカル
低速電子線回折装置(Low Energy Electron Diffraction : LEED)は、真空中で数eV~数百eV程度の電子線を試料表面に垂直に入射させ、試料表面の結晶格子で回折した後方散乱図形を検出することで結晶表面の構造を調べる分析手法です。
Thin Solid Films - ScienceDirect
2020年9月1日 · The combination of RHEED, LEED, STEM, XRD measurements confirm the layer-by-layer epitaxial growth of the monoclinic SrIrO 3. The LEED and RHEED pattern indicate the 3 × 3 -R30 reconstruction. The insertion of the CaTiO 3 buffer layer proves to be an effective way to overcome the synthesis challenge and realize the high-quality epitaxial layer ...
surface reconstruction and electronic structure of
2020年5月15日 · We studied the surface and electronic structures of barium stannate () thin films by low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) techniques. (10 nm/100 nm/0.5 mm) samples were grown using the pulsed-laser deposition (PLD) method and were ex situ transferred from the PLD chamber to …
Ultrafast spot-profile LEED of a charge-density wave phase transition
2021年6月3日 · In this work, we study the ultrafast structural dynamics at the surface of 1 T -TaS 2 using ultrafast low-energy electron diffraction (ULEED). Specifically, we revisit the phase transition between the NC and IC CDW states, which we investigated previously, 22,23 and provide data from a recently upgraded experimental setup.
Recent Advances on Pulsed Laser Deposition of Large‐Scale Thin …
Recently, pulsed laser deposition (PLD) has appeared to be an impactful method for wafer-scale growth of 2D films, owing to target-maintained stoichiometry, high growth rate, and efficiency. In this review, the recent advances on the PLD preparation of 2D films are summarized, including the growth mechanisms, strategies, and materials ...
低能电子衍射 - iphy.ac.cn
一、引言1926—1927年,Davisson和Germer1]通过电子束在Ni,Pt单晶表面的衍射现象证明了电子的波动性,这也就是低能电子衍射(LEED)的初期工作.六十年代初期,超真真空技术实用化了.Germer在长期脱离LEED工作后又返回该领域,发展了后加速显示型LEED,加上Bell ...
RVL2000低能电子衍射仪(LEED) - LK 高分辨电子能量损失谱仪HREELS 低能电子衍射仪LEED …
2016年2月2日 · 美国lk technologies提供完整系列的反向视图leed / aes系统(rvl2000),多功能紧凑型电子能量分析仪(minicma™),ngi3000离子枪和eg3000电子枪。els5000超高分辨率光谱仪、多通道ea5000-mca、高分辨率研究电子枪(lk5000m,lk1000m)、高灵敏度的tds1000热解吸 …
光电子衍射 - wuli.ac.cn
摘要: 六十年代末,由于超高真空条件的获得,使低能电子衍射仪(LEED)逐渐发展成为实用的表面结构分析手段 [1].在理论上,几种LEED的动力学理论也相继出现[2-4].利用LEED实验与理论计算的比较,可以决定长程有序表面结构,但对无序表面结构测定,LEED则无能为力.七十年代中期开始,人们着手寻找一种新的表面结构分析方法,这种方法以LEED为基础,又弥补了它的不足.LEED的入射电子源是非相干源,如....
Aydınlatma tasarımında “Leed ve Breeam” - PLD Türkiye
2013年5月4日 · LEED-Aydınlatma Sistemlerinin Tasarımı ve Kontrolü: 1 puan değerinde olan bu bölüm iç mekan fiziksel çevre kalitesi ana başlığı altında yer almakta ve aydınlatma kontrol sisteminin gerekliliğini vurgulamaktadır. Aydınlatma sisteminin %90′ının kullanıcı tarafından kontrol edilebiliyor olması gerekmektedir.