GitHub - pld-linux/elementary-icon-theme: An original set of …
An original set of vector icons designed specifically for elementary OS and its desktop environment: Pantheon - pld-linux/elementary-icon-theme
pld-linux/gnome-icon-theme - GitHub
Default icon themes for GNOME environment. Contribute to pld-linux/gnome-icon-theme development by creating an account on GitHub.
pld-linux/gnome-themes-extra: Extra themes for GNOME …
Extra themes for GNOME environment. Contribute to pld-linux/gnome-themes-extra development by creating an account on GitHub.
Classic Paladin skill remake[DT]V1.11/经典骑士技能重制
Paladin has undergone an unprecedented luxury remake!! I have refocused my focus on VFX itself for this theme, considering practicality while maximizing aesthetics. In addition, I have also made many new attempts in sound effects.
PLD WordPress theme by Lone Tree Creative - Themesinfo
2023年5月27日 · PLD WordPress theme. The 2012 theme for WordPress is a fully responsive theme that looks great on any device. Features include a front page template with its own widgets, an optional display font, styling for post formats on both index and single views, and an optional no-sidebar page template.
Releases · Philipp Dylong / theme-pld - GitLab
Skip to content. GitLab. Menu
可程式化邏輯裝置 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
可编程逻辑器件 (英語: Programmable Logic Device,縮寫為 PLD)是一種電子零件、電子組件,簡而言之也是一種 集成电路 、 芯片。 PLD晶片屬於数字型態的電路晶片,而非 模拟 或混訊(同時具有 數位電路 與類比電路)晶片。 PLD與一般數位晶片不同的是:PLD內部的數位電路可以在出廠後才規劃決定,有些類型的PLD也允許在規劃決定後再次進行變更、改變,而一般數位晶片在出廠前就已經決定其內部電路,無法在出廠後再次改變,事實上与一般的類比晶片、混訊 …
Shield of Rosaria, Clive theme PLD - XIV Mod Archive
2024年4月3日 · Shield of Rosaria / Clive theme PLD mod! hello! this is my first mod i upload! this mod replaces PLD's basic attack and other abilities, except AOE combo! it will not perfect and will have some issues!! [replaces list] - Fast Blade -> clive's basic melee combo 1 - Riot Blade -> clive's basic melee combo 2
gnome-themes-standard.spec - GitHub
Default themes for GNOME environment. Contribute to pld-linux/gnome-themes-standard development by creating an account on GitHub.
Ballad of Paladin Have Gun Will Travel - YouTube
Ballad of Paladin, Have Gun Will Travel. Sung by Johnny Western!