Algorithms - J Perm
Each selected case appears with the same probability as in a real solve. Due to randomness, some cases may appear very often, or rarely appear. Use this to only practice the algorithms …
PLL - Speed Cube Database
Algorithms for PLL
PLL - CuboVelocidade
PLL significa "Permutation Last Layer" ou seja, permutação das peças da última camada. Neste passo nós iremos finalizar toda camada do topo e, consequentemente, o cubo todo será resolvido. Depois de finalizar a permutação das peças amarelas você deve encontrar em qual dos 21 casos o seu cubo se encontra e aplicar a fórmula ...
Round brackets are used to segment algorithms to assist memorisation and group move triggers. Moves in square brackets at the end of algorithms denote a U face adjustment necessary to complete the cube from the states specified. It is recommended to learn the algorithms in the order presented.
PLL Algorithms - CFOP SpeedSolving PLL #21 Cases
It is possible to make 2 look PLL using only 6 algorithms, you can learn it in the speedsolving guide here. The algorithms are divided into groups based on their effect on the Rubik's cube (corners only, edge only, etc...). The PLL algorithms are very important to master and expertize in.
3x3x3 CFOP Guide - GANCUBE
Learn the CFOP method for solving the 3x3 cube, used by world-class speedcubers. A must-know technique for advanced cubers at GANCUBE website.
Sarah's Cubing Site — 3x3x3 — PLL Algorithms
PLL involves permuting all the edges and corners of the LL. It's the last step in the CFOP method. The lettering system is the same as on the Speedsolving wiki PLL page. Speedcuber Sarah Strong's collection of Rubik's Cube algorithms.
PLL | 3x3 CFOP Algorithms - SPEEDCUBE.COM.AU
PLL stands for Permutation of the Last Layer. It is the final step in the CFOP (Cross, F2L, OLL, PLL) method. During the PLL step, the goal is to permute the pieces on the last layer so that …
GAN 魔方教程 - CFOP还原教程 - GAN魔方 - GANCUBE
OLL和PLL是俯视图 OLL图中的黑块和小黑条表示黄色块 PLL图中的小黑条表示特征/相同色块
OLL & PLL Algorithms
The algorithms below are all you need to reduce your solve time to under a minute. The OLL algorithms assume you have already solved the yellow cross and therefore have all yellow edge pieces in place. Once the last layer is oriented, the last stage of the solve will generally require at least two of the PLL algorithms below.