Algorithms - J Perm
Use this to only practice the algorithms you want to learn. It is useful to see both learned and unlearned cases to avoid mixing them up, especially if they look similar.
PLL Algorithms - CFOP SpeedSolving PLL #21 Cases
Solving the PLL is the last step of the CFOP, and is the final straight in speedsolving the Rubik's cube. There are 21 different variations of Last Layer Permutations, and a well-known name for each. Therefore are required 21 algorithms to make a PLL solving in just 1 fast algorithm.
PLL (Permutation of the Last Layer) - CFOP - Cubing Cheat Sheet
Collection of PLL (Permutation of the Last Layer) Algorithms for CFOP method. Digital cheat sheet tutorial on how to solve 3x3x3 Rubik's cube. Solution for the 3x3 magic cube and speed cube twisty puzzle.
PLL - Speed Cube Database
PLL or Permutation of the Last Layer is the fourth and last step of the CFOP method, which aims to permute the pieces of the last layer to have the 3x3 fully solved. This step is fully algorithmic, and consists of 21 cases.
Round brackets are used to segment algorithms to assist memorisation and group move triggers. Moves in square brackets at the end of algorithms denote a U face adjustment necessary to complete the cube from the states specified. It is recommended to learn the algorithms in the order presented.
21 công thức PLL - Hoán vị tầng cuối cùng cho khối Rubik (CFOP)
2019年8月5日 · PLL là từ viết tắt cho Hoán vị lớp cuối cùng (Permutation of the Last Layer) và là bước cuối của phương pháp giải Rubik nâng cao CFOP. Trong bước này, toàn bộ mặt trên đã cùng màu, bây giờ ta sẽ dùng những dãy công thức PLL để di …
Step 4 - CFOP Method: Permutate the Last Layer - PLL - Ruwix
First rotate the top layer to align as many pieces as possible then do one of the 21 algorithms listed below. If this seems too many to learn, you should try the 2look PLL which method contains only six algorithms but takes more time to execute. Here are four animated examples and find the complete list below.
PLL Algorithms - CFOP Speedcubing Cases - Speedsolving.com Wiki
There are 21 PLLs (13 if you count mirrors and inverses as being the same) and each one is named after a letter. The following page gives a list of all of the PLLs, along with a picture and a list of common algorithms for each one. The diagrams below are …
PLL | 3x3 CFOP Algorithms - SPEEDCUBE.COM.AU
PLL stands for Permutation of the Last Layer. It is the final step in the CFOP (Cross, F2L, OLL, PLL) method. During the PLL step, the goal is to permute the pieces on the last layer so that each piece is in its correct position, thereby solving the entire cube. PLL is the fourth and last step of the CFOP speedcubing method.
Full PLL – SpeedyGoneCuber
All of the 21 PLL configurations are grouped into 3 sections: Jump to section: Ua Perm – 3 edges cycling anticlockwise: If your cube has one solved side, with the three unsolved edges needing to cycle anticlockwise (with the opposite edge on the right), hold the solved edge piece on the back to perform this algorithm: R U’ R U R U R U’ R’ U’ R2’.