Algorithms - J Perm
You can change a case's status by clicking on its picture in the algorithm list. Only your slowest cases (by average) will appear in the trainer. Note: You may need to reload the page if your …
PLL Algorithms - CFOP SpeedSolving PLL #21 Cases
Solving the PLL is the last step of the CFOP, and is the final straight in speedsolving the Rubik's cube. There are 21 different variations of Last Layer Permutations, and a well-known name for …
三阶CFOP全套持续更新公式推荐——PLL17/18(U Perm,三棱 …
三棱换是pll中的初阶公式,大家应当在层先法中熟练掌握。 ua perm(逆时针三棱换)本人主力公式: y r2 u' s' u2' s u' r2(s流,7etm,7stm) s流公式相当好用,并且步数也比较少。可用替 …
Round brackets are used to segment algorithms to assist memorisation and group move triggers. Moves in square brackets at the end of algorithms denote a U face adjustment necessary to …
PLL 公式表 + 基礎辨認法 | SlowerCuber 魔術方塊教學
特徵是一個「頭燈」,一個「一條」,而且頭燈與一條沒相連(跟 R perm 不一樣)。 每個 PLL 列出多條最常用的公式。 還有辨認 PLL,包括 G-perm 的四大天王,利用頭燈等等.
U Perms (Revisited) – adventures in cubing
2013年3月8日 · When I did my foozled PLL time attack, that Ua was my fastest with Ub second. But those still involved a lot of moves, and Ub had a sort of clunky flow. When I learned double …
我的pll公式(2025-1-14) - ★ CFOP专区 (CFOP/Fridrich Method)
2025年1月14日 · 1. E-Perm x' (RU'R'D) (RUR'D') (RUR'D) (RU'R'D') (16 STM)2. H-Perm M2' U M2' U2 M2' U M2' (7 STM)3. Z-Perm (M2'U)2 M' U2 M2' U2 M' (9 STM)4. Ub-Perm (R2'U ... 我 …
【螺旋丸】三阶魔方PLL U perm RUS流公式 Brian Sun - 哔哩哔哩
R2 U' S R2' S' R2 U R2R2 U' S' U2' S U' R2These algs should only be used when you get the U perm with the block in the left. In any other scenario, just use the mainstream , 视频播放量 …
PLL edge cycles (U Perm) - adventures in cubing
2012年6月10日 · Since almost every one of my solves requires an edge cycle — with H and Z perms or the rare PLL skip as the lone exceptions — this bull-in-a-china-shop algorithm had to …
魔術方塊PLL02公式動畫教學U-perm (a) - 魔方小天地
pll教學; 2o2p. oll頂面十字一次到位解法; oll頂面角塊一次到位解法; pll邊塊一次到位的解法; pll角塊一次到位的解法; coll 完整40種解法含雙手單手; f2l速解教學; 五步解完的非基本型f2l; vhf2l多 …
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