Features -55°C rugged to 100°C welded case, hermetic -55°C other to standard 100°C and custom PLP available CASE STYLE: A01 0.5W wide max. selection of fco PRICE: $13.70 ea. QTY
Lumped LC Low Pass Filter, DC - 48 MHz, 50Ω | PLP-50+ | Mini …
For detailed questions regarding the performance characteristics and limitations of this product in your intended application, please click Contact Us and we will respond promptly. Mini-Circuits is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of RF, …
PLP-50-75+ Low Pass Filter Plug-In PLP-50-75+ Low Pass Filter
Peel P50 - Wikipedia
The Peel P50 is a three-wheeled microcar originally made from 1962 to 1965 by the Peel Engineering Company on the Isle of Man, and then from 2010 to present. It was listed in the 2010 Guinness World Records as the smallest production car ever made. [4] .
磷酸吡哆醛是 氨基酸代谢 中的 转氨酶 及 脱羧酶 的 辅酶,能促进 谷氨酸 脱羧,增进 γ-氨基丁酸 的生成,后者是神经抑制性递质。 磷酸吡哆醛是 瓜氨酸 的辅酶,又是 鸟氨酸 的辅酶。 是临床上用于治疗 帕金森综合症 的药物。 促进转氨酶进行转氨作用提高体内 多巴胺 的含量。 通常 共价 结合到转氨酶 活性中心 赖氨酸 残基 的ε-氨基上。 磷酸吡哆醛是一种有机化合物,分子式C8H10NO6P,由维生素B6与磷酸结合形成,包括吡哆醛、吡哆胺、吡哆醇,在体内以磷酸酯 …
5'-磷酸吡哆醛一水合物 | 41468-25-1 - ChemicalBook
磷酸吡哆醛(PLP,维生素B6的主要代谢活性形式)是一种多功能辅酶,参与氨基化合物的代谢,以它为辅酶因子的酶被称作PLP依赖性酶(PLP-dependent enzymes, PLP-DEs),它们在糖,脂和氨基酸等代谢过程中起着重要的作用。
PLP 50EN is a ceiling speaker featuring a flameproof plastic back can, designed for recess installation into ceilings or panels. It is especially suitable for broadcasting alarm messages thanks to the highly intelligible sound reproduction and its …
PLP-15+ Mini-Circuits | 滤波器 | DigiKey
来自 Mini-Circuits 的 PLP-15+ – 17MHz(截止) 频率 低通 RF 滤波器 (射频) 带宽 1dB 8-DIP 模块。 DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。
PLP-50+|MINI代理分销-创唯电子现货供应原装:PLP-50+,品牌:MINI,备注:Filter, Low-Pass, RoHS.提供PLP50的应用参数,PDF下载、技术资料、库存等相关信息。
PLP | Electric power and fiber optic communications infrastructure ...
PLP is a worldwide designer, manufacturer and supplier of high quality cable anchoring and control hardware and systems, fiber optic and copper splice closures, and high-speed cross-connect devices. Our core markets are divided into four distinct categories: communications, energy, special industries and solar.