People's Liberation and Resistance | Battlefield Wiki | Fandom
In Battlefield 3, the People's Liberation and Resistance fight against the United States Marines and Russian GRU. They work hand-in-hand with the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran following a coup after a catastrophic earthquake occurred in the region, in which Faruk Al-Bashir, leader of the PLR
人民解放抵抗组织 | Battlefield 维基 | Fandom
人民解放抵抗组织 (波斯语: آزادی و مقاومت خلق),通常缩写为 PLR,是一个虚构的 伊朗 准军事叛乱组织,主要活动在中东地区,尽管与西方世界也有联系。 该组织由 法鲁克·阿尔·巴夏尔 领导。 在 战地风云3 中,人民解放抵抗组织与 美国海军陆战队 和 俄罗斯格鲁乌特种部队 作战。 在该地区发生 大地震 后, 法鲁克·阿尔·巴夏尔 领导的PLR与伊斯兰共和国伊朗武装力量联手,在政变后控制了 伊朗。 因此,他们更常见的武器是伊朗制造的 KH2002 步枪,而伊朗境外的PLR成员则使用 …
People's Liberation and Resistance | Villains Wiki | Fandom
The People's Liberation and Resistance (Persian: آزادیبخش و مقاومت خلق), commonly abbreviated to PLR, are the main antagonists of Battlefield 3. It is an Iranian paramilitary insurgent organization mainly based in the Middle East, yet it has connections with the Western world.
Faruk Al-Bashir | Battlefield Wiki | Fandom
Faruk Al-Bashir (Persian: فرخ البشیر), sometimes spelled Farukh Al-Bashir, is the secondary antagonist featured in the singleplayer campaign of Battlefield 3. Following a coup that resulted after a catastrophic earthquake in the Iran-Iraq border, Faruk comes into power in Iran. He is …
What is PLR in Battlefield 3? - Gaming Pedia - NCESC
2024年6月20日 · What is PLR in Battlefield 3? PLR stands for the “People’s Liberation and Resistance.” It is an Iranian paramilitary insurgent organization that serves as the main antagonists in the game Battlefield 3. The PLR is predominantly based in the Middle East but also has connections with the Western world. What does PLR stand for in …
你玩懂了吗?《战地3》全流程剧情概述 _ 游民星空 GamerSky.com
2011年10月26日 · 布列克中士是美国海军陆战队的一名士兵,同行的小队中还有另外3人,最开始是部署在伊拉克境内,靠近两伊边境,在一次行动中被指派去寻找失去联系的巡逻队,结果碰见了plr入侵,plr是活跃在伊朗境内的武装份子,在当天同时plr推翻了伊朗政府掌握了伊朗 ...
Steam Workshop::(PM) BF3: The PLR - Steam Community
2023年5月22日 · The People's Liberation and Resistance (Persian: آزادیبخش و مقاومت خلق), commonly abbreviated to PLR, is a fictional Iranian paramilitary insurgent group based largely in the Middle East, although with contacts in the Western world. It is led by Faruk Al-Bashir.
So Who Are PLR? ~ Girl Nerd's Battlefield 3 - Blogger
2012年10月7日 · While not presented in multiplayer mode, almost every map is set in the country Iran, and we all know there's a group of insurgents called PLR involved in almost every mission throughout the campaign. But who are these people exactly? other than a bunch of face-covered terrorists, there's little to none info DICE's shown us about.
Why are the Russians the main faction in [BF3] when the ... - Reddit
2020年3月23日 · The Russians being in Iran (and annoyingly speaking English) in BF3 was something that had always bothered me. Maybe it's related to the whole controversy of being able to play as the Taliban in MOH in 2010 so they never bothered with bringing PLR into multiplayer.
キャンペーン紹介 - Battlefield3 攻略 Wiki - bf3.swiki.jp
敵役であるイランの過激派テロリスト「PLR(People's Liberation and Resistance)」制圧のためにイランのアル・スライマーニーヤ、テヘラン、アラズ峡谷に赴く。