Mathematics - Curriculum Online
Welcome to the Primary Mathematics Curriculum (2023) for all Primary and Special schools. Here you can find links to the Primary Mathematics Curriculum (PMC) and the Primary Mathematics Toolkit. You can also access useful videos, resources and information relating to the PMC. Primary Mathematics Curriculum: Navigation video.
Maths Curriculum - NCCA
To support teachers in using the new curriculum, the Primary Mathematics Toolkit contains a range of supports, including mathematical concepts, progression continua, support materials and examples of children’s learning.
PMC - Primary Mathematics Curriculum - Oide
Welcome to the Primary Mathematics Curriculum Hub. Discover how children learn in maths and how to enhance their learning experience. Learn from eLearning modules, Seminars, Closure Days, and your PMC Learning Journal. If you cannot locate the information you require, you can email PMC, and we will try to assist you.
Toolkit - Curriculum Online
These key ideas may provide useful entry and reference points in relation to planning, teaching and assessment and may serve to remind teachers of key mathematical knowledge at each stage. They are presented according to stages 1 to 4 …
Primary - NCCA
This section provides an overview of the NCCA's work to support children's learning from Junior Infants to 6th Class. The Irish primary education system aims to provide a holistic education to enable children to live their lives to the full and to realise their potential as unique individuals.
PMC Toolkit: New suite of Strand Unit supports | NCCA
A suite of Support Materials for each Strand Unit of the Primary Mathematics Curriculum is now available. These supports include practical and creative suggestions for teachers as they support children in working towards Learning Outcomes across each of the fifteen Strand Units.
Support Materials for Schools - PMC - Oide
Welcome to our support materials for schools page, designed for schools seeking dynamic resources. Explore a rich collection of practical resources presented in information sheets with useful links and image galleries providing ready-to-use materials for your school.
Part 1 - Emphasising Mathematical Modeling - PMC - Oide
Welcome to Part One of Emphasising Mathematical Modeling, where we explore ‘Using Questioning to Elicit Thinking’ and ‘Representing Thinking in Operations using Models’. Navigate using the menu options below. Don’t forget to document your learning in the PMC Learning Journal found in the Supports section.
ctment of the curriculum and support decision-making about pedagogy. When preparing for learning in primary mathematics, it is important to strike a balance between providing opportunities for targeted and structured learning; and allow. d scale of strengths, needs and interests across the class/g.
The development of a new Primary Mathematics Curriculum (PMC) for junior infants to second class was set out in the NAs Strategic Plan, 2015 -2018, and was further highlighted in the DES Action Plan 2017.
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