Positive Mental Health Measurement Scale (PMH)
The PMH is a brief, uni-dimensional and person-centered instrument designed to measure all key and culturally appropriate domains of positive mental health and allow for comparisons across different age, gender, and ethnic groups.
Psychometric properties of the Positive Mental Health Scale (PMH-scale)
2016年2月10日 · With the PMH-scale we propose a short, unidimensional scale for the assessment of positive mental health. The scale consists of 9 Likert-type items. The psychometric properties of the PMH-scale were tested in a series of six studies using samples from student (n = 5406), patient (n = 1547) and general (n = 3204) populations.
积极心理健康量表中文版(the Positive Mental Health Scale…
2024年9月5日 · Lukat严格按照PMH的定义从符合标准的条目库中筛选条目,最终形成了9个条目的积极心理健康量表(Positive Mental Health Scale, PMHS),区别于以往研究中多维度的综合问卷或包含有精神病理学相关的项目,积极心理健康量表关注于一个人在许多情况下的整体特征模式的一致性 ...
Positive Mental Health Scale - APA PsycNet
The Positive Mental Health Scale (PMH-scale; Lutz et al., 1992, unpublished manuscript; Lukat et al., 2016) was developed to measure the presence of the positive mental health (PMH) construct. Statements included in this instrument were written to be person-centered and reflect the holistic concept of the construct.
积极心理健康量表中文版(the Positive Mental Health Scale…
实证研究也表明,pmh指标是预防青少年问题行为发生的保护性因素,高水平的pmh指标会降低青少年患抑郁症的风险,可降低大学生罹患心理障碍的风险。 在成年群体中,PMH有助于个体潜力的返回,并能预测焦虑症的缓解,调节风险因素和自杀行为之间的联系。
Positive Mental Health Scale - Psychology Roots
2023年1月20日 · Discover the Positive Mental Health Scale (PMH-Scale), a validated tool for assessing psychological well-being. Learn about its structure, reliability, and applications in mental health research.
Psychometric properties of the Positive Mental Health Scale (PMH-scale)
2016年2月10日 · With the PMH-scale we propose a short, unidimensional scale for the assessment of positive mental health. The scale consists of 9 Likert-type items. Methods The psychometric properties of the...
中学生积极心理健康量表(Positive Mental Health Scale,PMH)
2024年11月9日 · 一项纳入 17524 名中国儿童青少年的精神障碍流行病学调查显示, 6~16 岁儿童青少年罹患任何精神障碍的比例高达 17.5%。此外, 青春期的个体还普遍存在情绪调节、学业适应、人际关系以及不当网络使用等问题。积极心理健康的理念在世界范围内已经取得广泛的认可。世界卫生组织曾经指出, 健康应当指“一种完好的状态, 个体能够认识到自己或他人的能力, 能够应对日常生活中正常的压力, 能够卓有成效地工作,能够对所在的社会有所贡献”。相比二元的疾病诊断取 …
Positive Mental Health Scale--Chinese Version - APA PsycNet
The Positive Mental Health Scale--Chinese Version (Bieda et al., 2019) is a Chinese translation of the Positive Mental Health Scale (PMH-scale; Lukat et al., 2016), a 9-item measure of emotional, psychological, and social aspects of positive mental health.
With the PMH-scale we propose a short, unidimensional scale for the assessment of positive mental health. The scale consists of 9 Likert-type items. The psychometric properties of the PMH-scale were tested in a series of six studies using samples from student (n = 5406), patient (n = 1547) and general (n = 3204) populations.