PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP) - Project Management Institute
If you have advanced knowledge and experience developing, managing and maintaining project schedules and you’d like to showcase your skills, then the PMI-SP is an excellent choice for you. The certification exam has 170 multiple-choice questions and you have 3.5 hours to complete it.
PMI Scheduling Professional Exam Prep | PMI - Project Management Institute
To earn your PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP)® credential, you need to meet the experience and education requirements, and pass the PMI-SP® examination, a 170-question, multiple-choice exam. Regardless of how advanced your project scheduling experience or education might be, you should still prepare vigorously for the exam.
PMI São Paulo® - Instituto de Gerenciamento de Projetos PMI®
Explore a ampla gama de certificações oferecidas pelo PMI e encontre a que melhor se adapta ao seu perfil. Do PMP® ao PMI-ACP®, cada certificação é projetada para validar suas habilidades e acelerar sua carreira no gerenciamento de projetos.
PMI进度管理专业人士(PMI-SP®)-PMI(中国) - PMI(China
PMI进度管理专业人士PMI-SP®认证表明持证人士具备推动改进项目进度管理的知识和技能。 申请PMI-SP要求申请对象具有开发、管理和维护项目进度的高级知识和经验。 PMI-SP认证考试形式为170道选择题,考试时间为3.5小时。 为维护PMI-SP认证的有效性,您必须每3年积累30个项目进度相关的专业发展单位(PDU)。 中国内地尚未开放考试报名,如您有意获得PMI-SP认证,建议您选择到港澳台或其他国家和地区进行考试。 开始申请港澳台地区及海外PMI-SP考试. 有关资 …
PMI-SP考试指南-PMI(中国) - PMI(China
要获得pmi进度管理专业人士(pmi-sp)®认证,您必须满足经验和教育方面的要求,并通过pmi-sp®考试,考试为170道单项选择题。 通过pmi-sp考试需要充分的准备,即使您拥有丰富的经验或较高的教育水平。
PMI offers a comprehensive certification program for practitioners with different levels of education and experience. The certifications are developed and maintained through a vigorous process. PMI’s certifications are distinguished by their global development and application, which makes them transferable across industries and geographic borders.
PMI认证考试报名-PMI(中国) - PMI(China
Step 1: 在PMI英文网站注册,获得考试资格. Step 2: 在中国国际人才交流基金会网站进行中文笔试注册和缴费. Step 3: 获得考试信息,参加考试. Step 4: 获得考试结果. PfMP, PMI-SP考试报名流程. PfMP, PMI-SP尚未在中国大陆地区开放考试。
PMI-SP®进度管理认证_PMI进度管理专业人士 (PMI-SP)®认证_中 …
PMI进度管理专业人士PMI-SP®认证表明持证人士具备推动改进项目进度管理的知识和技能。 PMI-SP认证考试形式为170道选择题,考试时间为3.5小时。 1. 资格审核: •教育背景:通常不需要特定的学历要求,但建议具有与项目管理相关的学士学位或同等教育经历。 拥有学士学位或更高学历,并且拥有36个月(即3年)的项目经验,其中至少有24个月直接从事项目进度计划与控制的工作经历。 如果没有学士学位,则需要拥有60个月(即5年)的项目经验,其中至少有36个月直接 …
全球认可的pmi认证,职业发展路上伴您同行. 项目管理专业人士(pmp®) 项目集管理专业人士(pgmp®) 项目组合管理专业人士(pfmp®) 助理项目管理专业人士(capm®) pmi敏捷管理专业人士(pmi-acp®) pmi商业分析专业人士(pmi-pba®) pmi风险管理专业人士(pmi-rmp®)
PMI-SP Certification - Project Management Academy
Looking to obtain your PMI-SP Certification? We offer PMI approved PMI-SP Training in a Video-on-Demand format. Register today for a PMI-SP boot camp course at Project Management Academy'.
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