PMM L2-16B LISN - The EMC Shop
The PMM L2-16B is a LISN (Line Impedance Stabilization Network) which is capable of generating a maximum output current of 16A. This LISN can be used to measure the conducted noise on the power line of single phase AC and DC powered devices. The L2-16B is designed to perform EMC pre-compliance testing in the frequency range of 9 kHz to 30 MHz.
L3-3232A - Narda
A LISN for test up to 32A. Full compliant to CISPR 16-1-2, VDE 0876, FCC part 15, MIL-STD 461F. Three phase or single. Accredited calibration availble
L2-16B16 A - Narda
The Artificial Mains Network L2-16B is a LISN used for RFI measurements on AC single-phase, power supplied electric and electronic equipment, drawing up to 16 Amps, that is in the most frequently-encountered applications. The L2-16B is a two line V-network with an equivalent circuit of 50 ohm // (5ohm + 50μH).
Narda PMM LISN L3-32 - Eleshop
This Narda PMM LISN is intended to measure mains inference coming from the power supply of products. The L3-32 is suitable for measurements on 3-phase AC power supplied electric and electronic equipment.
電源阻抗模擬網路-LISN - emctech.com.tw
pmm 多標準功能的單路徑lisn l1-150m:頻率範圍100khz∼200mhz。 l1-150m1:頻率範圍10khz∼400mhz。 規格: 連續額定輸出電流:100a。 最大輸出電流@45℃:150a。 最大容許工作電壓:600vdc;300vac。 eut電源頻率範圍:dc~440hz。 等效電路:(5μh+0/1Ω) // 50Ω。 rf輸出連接頭:n型母 ...
PMM 電源阻抗模擬網路-LISN-益安信科技
電源阻抗模擬網路 LISN- PMM 接收機控制,可自動選擇測量線路。 • L1-15M:單線LISN,150A。 • L2-16A:2線,單相,16A LISN。 • L3-32:4線,3相,32A LISN。 • L3-64:4線,3相,64A LISN。 • L3-100:4線,3相,100A LISN。 • L3-500:4線,3相,350A LISN。
PMM L3-64 3-Phase, 64 Amp LISN for FCC Part 15
PMM L3-64 3-Phase, 64 Amp LISN for FCC Part 15 is suitable for measurement on AC 3-phase power circuits from DC to 60 Hz. The equivalent V-Network circuit of 50 Ω // (5 Ω + 50 μH) with 250 μH choke is fully compliant with the reference standards.
PMM人工电源网络(ASN、LISN)LISNs_价格-北京森馥科技股份 …
PMM公司提供多种LISN(线路阻抗稳定网络)产品,涵盖从16A到500A的电流范围,适用于单相和三相测试需求。 这些LISN产品具有不同的阻抗特性,符合CISPR、ISO7637-2及军用标准,能够满足各种测试要求。 此外,该系列产品可根据PMM接收机的控制自动切换相线。 仪器简介: L2-16A ,两线单相LISN, 16A, 50 Ohm // (5 Ohm+50 mH). 技术参数: 16A、32A、64A、100A、150A、350A. 主要特点: 无线电计量LISNs的使用方法? PMMLISNs多少钱一台? 无线电计 …
Narda PMM L2-16B LISN - Eleshop
The Narda PMM L2-16B is a LISN (Line Impedance Stabilization Network) which is capable of generating a maximum output current of 16A. This LISN can be used to measure the conducted noise on the power line of single phase AC and DC powered devices.