VORTEX 4K M [VGN F1 Pro Mod] - pmm.gg
Our ceramic-coated shells provide excellent grip without grip tape. UltraGrip 2.0 offers sweat resistance with a smooth, dry, slightly chalky feel. The Standard Coating has a slightly glossy, grainy texture for a raw feel. We provide you with a screwdriver. No …
Apply a small amount of glue to the four pins of the sensor. We recommend squeezing only a small drop of glue on a piece of paper and then dipping the 4 pins in it. Be careful not to use too much glue—just enough to hold the sensor in place. Let the glue dry for a couple of minutes after firmly pressing the lens on the PCB.
PMM // Custom Gaming Mice
TRANSFORM YOUR MOUSE WITH PMM. Order a MOD-KIT and change the SHAPE and WEIGHT of your existing mouse. PMM sends you everything you need to do that.
求助 PMM工程文件导入MMD闪退怎么解决啊? - 百度贴吧
解决方法有两个,第一个根据emm的内容找到模型位置,把模型调整回去。 第二个找一个大佬,你把你所有用到的模型和mme以及工程文件给他修. 看了你下面楼中的回复大概率是模型问题了。 可能是你显卡显存不大,模型需要的显存太大你的电脑带不动.
PMM Mods P-CBR 8K Showcase [[Zaunkoenig M2K PCB, Enncoo ... - Reddit
2022年11月13日 · You can buy it from PMM Mods at pmm.gg fully assembled if available but different cable and feet/skates unless stated. PMM Mods also sell a mod kit and you pick up the PCB from Zaunkoenig. (Everything but the shell) If you want to piece it together exactly like mine; • P-CBR 8k Mod-kit from PMM Mods at https://pmm.gg
Upcoming Viper V2 Pro design // Fingertip // P-CBR 4K
2023年6月11日 · The idea was to take the popular shape of the P-CBR 8K [M2K PCB] and make it wireless using the latest tech of the Razer Viper V2 Pro. The total estimated weight is 26g, with the shell weighing around 10g and the internals / skates around 16g. It will be available as MOD-KIT and PRE-BUILT. You might notice those small humps next to the scollwheel.
There should be: 2x A T4, 3x B T5 and 2x C T5. [2] Add the crimped ends of the cable to the connector like shown on the picture. The small spikes in the crimps have to be on the side of the holes of the plastic connector. [3] Plug the cable in the PCB in the correct orientation.
【工具配布】PMM 文件路径编辑工具 - 哔哩 ... - 哔哩哔哩
用于编辑MMD工程文件内所引用文件的路径(顺便还可以编辑一些其他选项)。 设置选项卡. 编辑分辨率、Fps限制、坐标轴、物理模式等设置,修改或添加背景视频、背景图片、音乐文件。 设置选项卡. 附件选项卡. 编辑工程内载入的所有附件路径(本来还可以修改附件参数,但是砍掉了(MMD是干什么用的! ))。 附件选项卡. 模型选项卡. 编辑工程内载入的所有模型名称(日/英)和路径。 (会匹配关键字自动设置图标哦~) 模型选项卡. 另支持本地化功能,如果你认为 …
Anyone have experience with this company, PMM ? Thinking about ... - Reddit
2023年7月1日 · I love PMM- back when i was a lot into aim training and tracking (Kovaaks top 1%), i bought P-CBR and also the P-CBR 8k. I felt a big improvement in aiming and performance overall, eventho i switched back to standard mice.
【MMD教程/实用小操作】如何使用pmm文件 - 哔哩哔哩