TEM analysis of Ge-on-Si MOSFET structures with HfO
2010年2月1日 · In this paper, we present a (scanning) transmission electron microscopy analysis of novel Ge-on-Si MOSFETs which incorporate a high-k HfO 2 dielectric and TaN/TiN metal gate electrodes.
Use of Energy Filtered TEM to Observe Gate Oxide Breakdown …
In this paper we demonstrate the analytical method using energy-filtered TEM (EFTEM) in gate oxide breakdown defect analysis for semiconductor devices. We discuss the limitation of normal high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) imaging on gate oxide breakdown defect characterization and how EFTEM help on the contrast enhancement.
借助FIB、TEM、SEM等显微分析技术的4nm先进制程芯片解剖 - 知乎
为了一探先进制程芯片内部的奥秘,本文选择了一颗今年最新上市的制程为4nm的芯片,借助 透射电子显微镜 (TEM)、 双束聚焦离子束 (DB FIB)、 扫描电子显微镜 (SEM)等先进的显微分析技术,从封装级到晶圆级,逐级对芯片内部的关键工艺结构、材料成分及关键尺寸信息进行了全方位的解析,了解了其结构、材料和工艺详情。 以下是分析过程介绍: 第一步:芯片无损分析. 芯片的封装形式为 POP封装,首先采用3D OM光学显微镜、 X光射线检查设备,对芯片的封装 …
To enhance hole mobility, we have successfully fabricated PMOS transistors using a biaxial compressively strained SiGe channel and Hi02 gate dielechic and TiN metal-gate stack, to demonstrate hole mobility higher than the Si02 universal mobility curve [7].
PMOS transistor TEM cross-section in 14nm UTBFDSOI CMOS …
In this paper, we study the stress-correlated LDEs in FinFET device and found that LDEs cause 17.8% of maximum saturate current shift and 4.6% of maximum threshold voltage shift. We designed...
Planar MOSFETs are not Planar Anyway! Larger Scale: Time evolution. STT-RAM: DRAM Replacement?
【转】A Review of TSMC 28 nm Process Technology - 知乎
2014年9月12日 · The 28 nm LP process features polysilicon gates with embedded SiGe being used to increase the PMOS performance. The low power (LP) process was apparently the first available to have completed all TSMC’s qualification tests.
TEM micrographs of 45-nm p-type and n-type MOSFET.
Strained-Si increases saturated n-type and p-type metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) drive currents by 10 and 25%, respectively. The process flow consists of selective...
PMOS transistor TEM cross-section in 14nm UTB-FDSOI CMOS …
PMOS transistor TEM cross-section in 14nm UTB-FDSOI CMOS technology. [...] ... for 14nm FDSOI node in PMOS (Lg= 20nm, W= 170nm) are compared (Fig. 12) to the compact modelling for fresh...
Overcoming the Leakage and Contact Resistance Challenges in …
2025年3月3日 · In this work, we address the off-state leakage current challenge, while simultaneously demonstrating high drive current per CNT, in NMOS and PMOS carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (CNFETs). Increasing the bandgap from 0.6 to 0.85 eV reduces the minimum current from 10 –8 A/μm to 10 –11 A/μm at VDS = −0.5 V with a …