The PMP GIS tool is a geoprocessing service hosted by the TCEQ. This tool calculates gridded PMP depths for a given drainage basin for the specified durations for general, local, and …
Dam Safety Program - Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
TCEQ had a statewide Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) study completed for Texas and immediately surrounding regions in New Mexico and Mexico. This study produced gridded …
Texas Statewide Probable Maximum Precipitation Study
Probable Maximum Precipitation depths were developed for the state of Texas and surrounding regions. This covered thousands of dams, many of which are classified as high hazard. PMP …
Analysis of uncertainty and non-stationarity in probable maximum ...
2020年11月1日 · This study notes that maximum precipitation exhibits non-stationarity during the historical period and compares PMP values using four different methods: (1) …
A New Decision-Making Tool for Texas Dam Owners - Freese and …
2017年3月29日 · As we discussed last month, a recent study published by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) could affect many Texas dam owners. The study updates …
Basin-Scale Statistical Method for Probable Maximum …
2018年12月12日 · Probable maximum precipitation (PMP) is used for computing probable maximum flood (PMF), which is then used to design large hydraulic structures. A basin-scale …
PMP Study for Texas . Task 2 Storm Search and Short List Development • Complete a storm search to identify the most significant storms that could have occurred over the region where …
This tool calculates gridded PMP depths for a given drainage basin for the specified durations for general, local, and tropical storm types. PMP values are calculated (in
Rainfall Data Saves Dam Owner $100,000 - Freese and Nichols
2017年5月10日 · As we’ve been discussing in this series, a new study from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) significantly affects many Texas dam owners. …
New Rainfall Data Affects Texas Dam Owners - Freese and …
2017年2月28日 · Now, the TCEQ, which regulates dam safety in Texas, has updated that data. The data in its new PMP study is more geographically precise, accounts for weather patterns …