PANTONE 4279 C - 千通彩色库
答 PANTONE 4279 C色号的RGB色值为 (90,83,87), Hex (十六进制色值)为 #5A5357, CMYK 为(58,56,44,35) ,请注意,这些数值是由计算机模拟的颜色,实际生产中请参阅最新出版的实 …
Pantone / PMS 4279 C/#5a5357十六进制颜色代码
Pantone / PMS 4279 C/#5a5357十六进制颜色代码. 十六进制颜色代码#5a5357是中等暗度的紫红色阴影。在RGB三原色光模式中,#5a5357是由35.29%的红色,32.55%的绿色和34.12% …
Pantone / PMS 4279 C / #5a5357 Hex Color Code - Encycolorpedia
Pantone / PMS 4279 C / #5a5357 Hex Color Code. The hexadecimal color code #5a5357 is a medium dark shade of magenta-pink. In the RGB color model #5a5357 is composed of …
PANTONE® Europe | PANTONE® 4279 C - Find a Pantone …
Unlock over 15,000 Pantone colors with digital data and communicate your vision to everyone in your workflow. Powered by Pantone Connect. *Before using, understand that the colors shown …
PANTONE KPQ-4279C - 千通彩色库
问 pantone kpq-4279c色号的rgb,hex,cmyk数值分别是多少? 答 pantone kpq-4279c色号的rgb色值为(90,83,87), hex(十六进制色值)为 #5a5357, cmyk未登记 ,请注意,这些数值是由计算机 …
PANTONE 4279 C - Pantone色号库|Pantone潘通中国官网
用数字数据解锁超过15,000种Pantone颜色,并在工作流程中向每个人传达你的愿景。 购买Pantone 4279 C 产品。 获取 Pantone 4279 C RGB, Hex, 以及 CMYK 色彩等详细色号资讯。
PANTONE 4279C - 色卡色号对照表 - NBchao.Com
pantone 4279c色号属于潘通(pantone)色卡c版,您可在色号查询工具中找到pantone 4279c色号的颜色和色卡,包括pantone 4279c对应的rgb值供用户参考。
4279 C - 潘通官方商城 - pantoneshop.cn
PANTONE 4279 C Pantone PMS Color - colorxs.com
What color is PANTONE 4279 C? The hexadecimal color code (color number) for PANTONE 4279 C is #5B5358, and the RGB color code is RGB (91, 83, 88). In the RGB color model, …
Pantone 4279 C color information, conversion and matching paints
The following list contains the conversion results of color Pantone 4279 C to rgb, hexadecimal, hsl, hsv, lab and xyz colorspaces. Each format represents the same color. The rgb, …