PANTONE® USA | PANTONE® 9441 C - Find a Pantone Color
Unlock over 15,000 Pantone colors with digital data and communicate your vision to everyone in your workflow. Powered by Pantone Connect. *Before using, understand that the colors shown on this site are computer simulations of the PANTONE Colors and may not match PANTONE-identified color standards.
PANTONE 9441 C - 千通彩色库
问 pantone 9441 c色号是什么颜色,中英文名称是什么? 答 PANTONE 9441 C为蓝色相,在HSV色彩空间中PANTONE 9441 C的色调为196度,饱和度为19%,明度为93%,中英文名称是“未命名”
Pantone™ PMS 9441 C - MyPerfectColor
MyPerfectColor matches the Pantone PMS 9441 C color based on Pantone color publications. The PMS 9441 C color shown on this website are computer video simulations of the PANTONE PMS 9441 C Color and may not match PANTONE®-identified Color standards. Refer to current PANTONE Publications to obtain accurate color.
彩通亞太區 | PANTONE® 9441 C - Find a Pantone Color | Quick …
用數字數據解鎖超過15,000種Pantone顏色,並在工作流程中向每個人傳達你的願景。 選購色彩商品 彩通 9441 C 存在於下列彩通(Pantone)產品中:
PANTONE® APAC | PANTONE® 9441 C - Find a Pantone Color …
Unlock over 15,000 Pantone colors with digital data and communicate your vision to everyone in your workflow. Powered by Pantone Connect. *Before using, understand that the colors shown on this site are computer simulations of the PANTONE Colors and may not match PANTONE-identified color standards.
PANTONE 9441 C - Pantone色号库|Pantone潘通中国官网
获取 Pantone 9441 C RGB, Hex, 以及 CMYK 色彩等详细色号资讯。
Pantone 9441 C color information, conversion and matching paints
Description and conversion results of color Pantone 9441 C. It is a bright pastel azure color having an approximate luminance of 87%. It has a hue value of 196° indicating that this is a cold color.
PANTONE 9441 C的颜色详情 - ColorTell色彩管理
在线查询pantone 9441 c,此颜色属于pantone pastels & neons coated粉彩色&霓虹色铜版纸
PANTONE 9441 C - 色卡色号对照表 - NBchao.Com
pantone 9441 c色号属于潘通(pantone)粉彩霓虹色,您可在色号查询工具中找到pantone 9441 c色号的颜色和色卡,包括pantone 9441 c对应的rgb值供用户参考。
查询色号“9441”相关结果 - 千通彩色库
欢迎使用千通彩色库,输入色号关键词,即可查询国际标准色号! 使用声明: 请注意千通彩色库中显示的颜色及数值是由计算机模拟的颜色,不同设备上显示也有所区别,实际生产中请参阅 …
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