definitions of peo, pso, po, ksa, co and obe Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs): Programme Educational Objectives are a set of broad future focused student performance …
Mix proportioning is a process of arriving at suitable proportions of concrete ingredients based on their characteristics to achieve desired strength and durability characteristics of concrete. …
STEP-1 : For every subject 4-7 course outcomes (CO) are defined and mapped to Program outcomes (PO) on a scale of 0 to 3. Highest correlation is 3. For example, Maximum marks …
CO – PO Mapping All the courses together must cover all the PO’s. For a course we map the CO to PO through the CO-PO matrix with a measure of correlation. The various correlation levels …
PO 1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialisation for the solution of complex engineering …
Importance of CO-PO-PSO Assessment and Attainment: CO-PO-PSO assessment and attainment are critical to the success of OBE. These assessments ensure that: Alignment with …
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After writing the CO statements, CO will be mapped with PO of the program. The faculty advisor has review the CO statements and the CO-PO mapping which has been done by course …
PO 3 and PO 4 •PO 3 Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components, processes to meet the specifications with …
Core Competence: To provide students with a solid foundation in Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy fundamentals as per the requirement of …
Technology-Focused Approach to CO-PO Mapping | Eklavvya
Looking for a technology-focused approach to CO-PO mapping? Explore how to use technology to elevate your education and improve your CO-PO mapping process. +91 95525 86428