Path of Building Community Fork
Path of Building Community is a fork of the original Path of Building by Openarl. It is now actively maintained by Path of Exile community members. Features not originally present have been added, new mechanics are getting supported regularly, and any work on the original is integrated as well. Want to join us? We would be glad to have you!
Home - Path of Building
Discover the most efficient paths for your build by allowing Path of Building to recommend optimal nodes. Analyze the impact of acquiring notable passive points on your stats. Which gemstones would enhance the effectiveness of your character build the most?
GitHub - cn-poe-community/pob-cn: 不修改原POB计算相关的魔 …
Welcome to Path of Building, an offline build planner for Path of Exile! Calculate your skill DPS, damage over time, life/mana/ES totals and much more! Fully integrated with the offence/defence calculations; see exactly how each node will affect your character! Add items from in game by copying and pasting them straight into the program!
费西亚的传承 POB正式版汉化已更新 - 哔哩哔哩
小白互助,国际服pob导入终于让我给整明白了,纯小白分享绝对 …
第一步:找到浏览器上面3个点,点击拓展. 第二步:点击获取拓展. 第三步:搜索油猴,选择第二个tampermonkey. 第四步:选择“篡改猴”,点击获取,等一会他就自己安装好了(明明叫篡改猴为啥又叫油猴,整的我还懵了一下,以为怎么就找不到呢) 第五步:等一会后,地址栏出现这个黑呼呼的就说明油猴安装好了. 第六步:这个时候我们点击这个图标,在下拉菜单点击获取新脚本. 第七步:在打开的页面搜索POE. 第八步:找到POE export 点击安装,一下就安装好了. 第九步: …
Path of Building - PoE Vault
2024年4月12日 · Path of Building is a powerful build planner for Path of Exile to see which nodes, gear and gems are most efficient and it’s the tool that our guide writers use for their build guides. In this simple guide, we will show you how to import PoBs from our guides and how to export your current build for our Discord Help section.
Pob更新指南 - 哔哩哔哩
目前的pob只能通过替换文件的方式更新,也就是把poecharm目录下的pob community fork版本替换为最新版,这样虽然汉化稍有缺失,但可以正常使用,更新也不会影响
Quickly revert to older PoB builds or try the latest beta—all within a few clicks.
Path of Building Release for PoE2 - Path of Exile 2 - Maxroll.gg
2025年1月5日 · New to PoB? The Path of Building Community Fork is a tool for Path of Exile that allows you to figure out optimizations for your build. You can plan out your passive tree, see how different supports change your skills, or import a rare and expensive unique to …
关于POB汉化的问题,我的解决办法 - 哔哩哔哩
pob使用方法! 学会以后,你和大神只有一步之遥,一个文档帮你搞定雕像稀有词缀查询2.0,直达市集(流放之路1费西亚的传承),暴徒尖刺战吼T17灵祭塔庙,女巫:召唤物老死怎么不找自己问题?
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