We are producing mirrors and frames for High-NA EUV optics at full speed. Build up of system integration tools is progressing. EUV roadmap extensions are visible. This work has received funding form the ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreements No. 662338, 698522, 737479, and 783247.
micro techniques, heat- and mass transfer and optics. for optics for the semiconductor industry at Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH. Main focus is the thermal architecture of EUV- and DUV-systems. The 7 nm node is a very big challenge to the thermal stability of the EUV-optics. The POB-mirrors projects the reticle pattern onto the wafer.
EUV program at ZEISS: Continuously improving resolution. The ZEISS Starlith®3400 optics delivers excellent imaging... ...for the ASML NXE:3400B scanner. Displaying the information of one NXE:3400B field, requires a TV screen of 780m x 1370m. The Starlith® 3400 projection optics performs with improved aberrations – consistent for shipped systems.
(PDF) Optics for EUV lithography - ResearchGate
2000年8月11日 · Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography (EUVL), using 13 nm radiation, has a high probability to become the Next Generation Lithography of choice for resolutions of 50 nm and below. The work at CARL...
Delivery of more than 140 EUV systems with 0.33 NA at high and robust performance. More to come due to strong market pull. We are producing mirrors and frames for High-NA EUV optics at full speed. Build up of system integration tools is progressing.
Anamorphic lenses – ZEISS is doing this in movie making ... “The Master Anamorphic lenses open up new creative opportunities, making shots possible that would have been considered impossible before.” ... and now in lithography!
• all interferometers for the POB are operational, four mirrors have reached final spec • 1st POB mirror has been coated • assembly of POB has started • a contamination Control Strategy has been identified and tested • an “EUV infrastructure” has been set up Summary EUV Optical Technology at Carl Zeiss SMT AG: has reached a-tool specs
An EUV infrastructure has been set up at Zeiss PPT: Optics for 3100 (27 nm) delivered HVM: Optics for 3300 (22 – 16 nm) at the start of prototyping ¾Optical design fixed and mechanical design available EUVL has the great potential to be a multigeneration optical lithography technology beyond 11 nm – required:
New generation EUVL illumination will support 20% pupil fill ratio (PFR) at full illuminator efficiency, and cover the full sigma range. High pupil flexibility ensures support of Source Mask Optimization (SMO). can generate arbitrary customized freeform pupils with ≥ 20% pupil fill ratio.
High NA EUV lithography: Next step in EUV imaging - ADS - NASA/ADS
To enable cost-effective shrink of future devices, a new High-NA EUV platform is being developed in a joint collaboration between ASML and Carl Zeiss SMT. The High-NA EUV scanner employs a novel Projection Optics Box (POB) design concept with a numerical aperture of 0.55 that enables 8nm half pitch resolution and a high throughput.