POCT - 百度百科
现场快速检验(point-of-care testing, POCT)由中国医学装备协会POCT装备技术专业委员会在多次专家论证基础上统一命名,并将其定义为:在采样现场进行的、利用便携式分析仪器及配套试剂快速得到检测结果的一种检测方式。
Utilizing Point-of-Care Testing to Optimize Patient Care - PMC
Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) is clinical laboratory testing conducted close to the site of patient care. POCT provides rapid turnaround of test results with the potential for fast clinical action that can improve patient outcomes compared to laboratory testing.
POCT技术与产品介绍 - 知乎专栏
2022年10月22日 · POCT (Point of Care Testing)又称即时检验,是IVD (体外诊断)行业的一个细分领域,是指在采样现场即刻进行的快速诊断,省去了标本在实验室检验的复杂处,利用便携式分析仪器及配套试剂快速得到检测结果的一种检测方…
Point-of-care testing - Wikipedia
Point-of-care testing (POCT), also called near-patient testing or bedside testing, is defined as medical diagnostic testing at or near the point of care —that is, at the time and place of patient care. [1][2] This contrasts with the historical pattern in which testing was wholly or mostly confined to the medical laboratory, which entailed ...
图文并茂:一文看透POCT(史上最全) _重庆创芯生物科技有限公司
2018年8月10日 · POCT,在院内指在患者旁边进行的临床检测,又称为床旁检测 (Bedside Testing),通常不一定是检验师来操作。 可以说,POCT的出现,显著地改善了原有的就诊流程。
即时检测(POCT)急诊临床应用专家共识_全国体外诊断网(全国 …
2024年4月23日 · 即时检测(point-of-care testing, POCT)由于其快速、便利、易操作等特点,非常适合急诊急救场景中对于高危患者的快速诊断与筛查。 本共识旨在指导医疗机构在急诊规范开展必要的POCT项目,从而进一步提高急诊医疗质量和效率。
POCT in Developing Countries - PMC
Key words: POCT, developing countries, point of care tests. Point-of-care testing (POCT) is a rapidly growing diagnostic tool that has improved delayed testing challenges in resource-limited settings worldwide, especially in areas with the unavailability of modern laboratory equipment and trained human resources [1].
POCT 丁香园搜索
我国已开始引进INR即时检测技术(point-of-care test, POCT ),只需一滴指血,可即时报告检测结果,大大简化了抗凝治疗的检测流程,为INR的门诊、急诊快速检测
Poct Glucose Meaning,Test, Normal Range, Low & High
Diagnostic testing at the site of patient treatment, as opposed to in a centralized laboratory, is known as point-of-care testing (POCT). POCT can promptly report results, which can be used for diagnosis and therapy, reduce blood sample volume, and meet doctors’ demands to …
POCT血糖仪项目培训Word编辑 - renrendoc.com
2. poct血糖仪实验前质量保证:a)影响检验结果的因素,包括临床原因、药物、饮食、采集标本的部位和方式,血浆和全血结果间的差异等;b)合格标本的要求;c)poct血糖仪标本采集的具体步骤和操作,如从指端、新生儿脚跟、静脉埋入管采样等。
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