POG 2 or Micro Pog? - The Gear Page
2012年1月26日 · I use the big POG with bass and liked the micro for 8 string/oct down effects & usually kept both on my board at the same time. POG2 I bought for guitar b/c of all the crazy sounds you can get.
How does Kurt Rosenwinkel - The Gear Page
2022年3月21日 · Based on other clips I've reviewed that show the POG and HOG pedals in use, I don't believe that either of them are providing the modified initial attack (the auto-swell effect, aka slow gear). There's something more going on in his effects chain. So I guess the HOG does have an auto-swell function. So it could be all in that pedal.
Should Electro-Harmonix make a dedicated 'swell/attack' pedal …
2012年8月6日 · I thought I would just see if there was anyone else out there who thought that Electro-Harmonix should come out with a pedal dedicated to making the 'attack' effect that their POG2 pedal creates. Recently went in search of a pedal …
Guitar into Pog into DOD Meatbox? - The Gear Page
2018年6月3日 · So I currently run my strat into a nano pog set only octave down and then into a bass amp (separate signal from it also going into a guitar amp). Tracking of the pog is the best but the tone is the worst since the pog gets rid of some of the low end and sounds thinner versus other octave pedals...
Question about using POG2 with guitar speakers. - The Gear Page
2014年3月12日 · So I've got a POG2 on the way. I'm just wondering if my regular guitar speakers are able to handle playing 1 and 2 octaves down. One of my amps is a AB165 Bassman. I suppose the bass channel would be better voiced for doing octave down stuff (for simulating bass guitar and organ). I have a...
Octave on E and A string - a million ways to do it - The Gear Page
2017年8月16日 · Octave on E and A string For a very long time I have been experimenting with a way to make the E and A string (and only those!) have an octave effect added. The reason for this has been to be able to play guitar and bass lines at the same time. I mainly play solo jazz guitar and as such am...
EHX Soul Pog for simulated bass using guitar? - The Gear Page
2017年5月25日 · The POG series will always have some dry and upper octave bleed and they don't sound very good. The TC Sub 'n' Up is the best sounding and most tweakable octave pedal on the market for the purpose of doing fake bass stuff.
Octavia: Before or After Fuzz - The Gear Page
2023年6月26日 · I’m going to be giving a new Octavia type pedal a shot and I thought I’d seek some opinions on whether to place it before or after the fuzz I’m using. I’ve always placed an Octavia type pedal after fuzz but I’m considering trying it before this time. Yes, I know I can try it both ways but I hate...
Agile guitars? - The Gear Page
2024年11月30日 · What does TGP think of Agile LP style guitars? It seems like people who have them love them. I found a MIK Agile 3000 for $300 with a case. Hidden gem or just lower tier import? I would be very interested in how they stack up against other Korean guitars like Schecter, Reverend, Epiphones, MIK...
The Gear Page
The Gear Page