PogChamp - Know Your Meme
PogChamp, also known as Pog Champion, is one of the oldest emotes on Twitch that uses the face of Ryan "Gootecks" Gutierrez with his mouth open wide. The Twitch emote is used as a way to express excitement or surprise both genuinely or sarcastically.
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不用害怕,我们整理了一份常见高频T语言和网络meme合集,重点收录了以Luca Kaneshiro为中心的Luxiem成员们说过的一些梗,并且持续更新. 【使用说明】 一. 此合集 随时更新,整理最初为组内听翻共同食用,可以外传,提供给简中lucubs和所有希望了解梗语言的大家理解梗意,所有权归属于【Luca的Augustus饲养所】 二.本合集使用 腾讯文档 作为平台分享,链接仅可查看,如果有任何梗组内未收录,请私信我们,我们看见后会第一时间收录进去. 三.为了方便大家查阅,我们 …
What Does 'Poggers' Mean On Twitch? The Gen Z Slang Term 'Pog ...
2023年5月31日 · What Is The "Poggers" Emote? The Poggers emote originated back in 2017 and was inspired by Gootecks aforementioned expression. The emote combined Gootecks' face with the imagery of Pepe the Frog, a popular internet mascot that has sometimes been tied to …
What is Poggers? | Behind The Meme - YouTube
2020年11月2日 · What started out as an inside joke on Fourchan has become a hilarious meme on the internet recently. In this video, we are going to take a look at the origin of the meme, as well as the meaning of...
Poggers, featuring an illustration of Pepe the Frog making a surprised facial expression, has become synonymous with excitement and celebration in the Twitch community. It stands alongside other popular emotes like PogChamp and MonkaS, cementing its place in …
What (Or Who) Is 'POGGERS'? The Popular Twitch Emote Explained
2024年2月1日 · POGGERS, sometimes referred to as Pog, is one of many popular Twitch emotes commonly used on the platform. This facial expression is often associated with scenarios where people are excited during streams, or when something extraordinary happens.
"poggers"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
Now, Pogchamps exists as a versatile Twitch emote used to convey something or someone that is awesome and cool. The first part of this term, pog, is also commonly used as an adjective or interjection to convey feelings of shock, excitement, and delight." https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pogchamp的定义
What Does Poggers Mean? How To Get And Use Poggers Meme.
2020年8月21日 · Poggers is an emote from the Pepe family; a famous comic strip by artist Matt Furie. Poggers features the famous (infamous) Pepe the frog which was actually used extensively by the far-right (alt-right) movement. However, Poggers managed to leave behind its political ties and emerged on the live streaming website as an innocent emote.
POGGERS Twitch Emote Meaning & Origin - Streamerfacts
2021年4月10日 · POGGERS is a Twitch emote from the Pepe the Frog family, this variant features a surprised-looking Pepe with wide eyes and a wide-open mouth. The POGGERS emote is used during moments of excitement. Not just the emote is popular though, POGGERS can also be used as a slang word for something cool or exciting that happened.
What Do “Pogchamp” and “Poggers” Mean? Twitch Meme Origins
2021年7月12日 · Poggers evolved from a classic emote and meme known as “ pogchamp.” In a 2010 blooper reel from a Youtube show called Cross Counter TV that was put on by Ryan “Gootecks” Gutierrez and Mike Ross, Gootecks made the now iconic face in response to a cameraman accidentally bumping into the tripod they were using.