Guide to become a PP-Bizon expert! (long) : r/GlobalOffensive
Using your speed is the advantage to any other gun in the game and its what will make you frag with the Bizon. Your defense is your offense with this gun. I'll soon get into more detail on how to use this in a minute but again. This is the Bizon. The Jumping Accuracy of the PP-Bizon is one of the 7 worlds wonders. It's almost completely unheard ...
Why have we not done anything about the PP-Bizon?
The PP bizon's main use was highly situational, only being POSSIBLY used after a pistol round win if you know the enemy has no armor or upgraded pistols. First of all, just decrease the price of the whole gun if you won't raise any of the stats. $1150 would make more sense given how useful it is, as it isn't all that bad.
You know, the PP-Bizon is actually decent to use.
2023年9月28日 · While it’s armor penetration is low (60%), it still has the benefit of being cheaper than the MP5. And if that’s not enough, the Bizon also has…
The guts of a 9x19mm Para PP-19 Bizon magazine : r/guns - Reddit
2018年10月22日 · For those who haven’t been following, I’m working to bring a PP-19 clone to your collection, and not just with helical magazines. These are the internals of what is likely one of single-digit 9x19 magazines for this platform in the US, traded to me by a great man for a pristine 9x18 polymer mag and some extra pumpkin spice.
Anomaly gun reviews part 3: Submachine guns, more than just an …
PP-19 Bizon: Lovely little SMG. The basic model has great mag size, and can be used to clear house easily, reload time being the major drawback. It differs from the PP-19 Vityaz by using WP sights and scopes.
PP-19 Bizon + a conversion kit : r/PhantomForces - Reddit
2020年4月27日 · I'd also like to add a conversion kit for the Bizon. It would change the playstyle quite a lot. Ammo would be changed to 7.62x25mm Tokarev. DMG: 30 to 17 Range: 70 to 100 studs RoF: 680 Multipliers: 1.4 headshot, 1.15 torso (making it 3SK to the torso up to ~73 studs) Accuracy: Stays the same, but it would make sense if it got changed a bit
Thoughts on the PP-Bizon : r/GlobalOffensive - Reddit
2014年5月12日 · Pp is good against eco rounds, but struggles to pierce armor on buy rounds. If you're spraying, it's hard to consistently head shot people with armor and kill them, especially medium to long range. If you can tap shoot accurately, it's not bad. For close combat, nothing beats holding down fire and running around corners prefiring everything.
what is the best pp-19 bizon setup? : r/PhantomForces - Reddit
2022年6月4日 · Phantom Forces is an FPS game by the Roblox game development group StyLiS Studios, comprised of Litozinnamon, shaylan007, AxisAngle, and Raspy_Pi.
Friend says the PP-Bizon is bad, I’m really good with it. Is ... - Reddit
The PP-Bizon had been my faithful companion throughout the game, and it had never let me down. I knew that without this gun, we would have lost the game. I looked down at the gun in my hand and felt a sense of gratitude towards it. The PP-Bizon was not just a gun; it was a friend, a companion, and a source of strength.
Opinion about PP-Bizon? : r/GlobalOffensive - Reddit
2014年1月24日 · Bizon specifically fills the role of an anti-eco weapon. One of the primary goals on eco rounds for teams without guns, is to try and get them from the other team. However, if the other team has Bizons rather than rifles or p90s, it's not particularly devastating if they lose a gun, so the risk is minimal.