PPG工业涂料 - IC中文官网 - 全球先进的电泳漆/水性/粉末涂料
PPG铝制挤压型材涂料提供杰出的防腐性能、耐久度和耐候性,可以成体系的定制饰面的颜色、光泽、个性化的质感效果,备受建筑设计师和建筑部件制造商的青睐。 PPG木器漆具有跨世纪的历史积淀,是全球先进的高性能木器涂料制造商,产品种类丰富,包括调色剂、底漆、着色剂、填料、密封剂、釉料和面漆...... PPG为家庭用品提供了完整的不粘涂层和装饰性涂料系列,旨在保护和延长烤面包机、烤盘、煎锅,熨斗等物品的使用寿命。 我们的全球技术和销售团队致力于提供 …
Aerospace Products | PPG Aerospace
Explore our extensive range of aerospace products, including advanced coatings, sealants, transparencies, and chemicals, designed to enhance aircraft performance and safety.
The Elastomeric Color System is designed to provide an excellent color match to OEM interior and exterior vinyl colors. Elastomeric Color adheres to properly prepared plastic and vinyl. Once mixed, SC color is ready to spray. The system also utilizes two clears, SB10 - Gloss and SB11- Flat to vary the topcoat gloss.
Professional Quality Paint Products - PPG - PPG Paints
PPG Paints Find What You Need for Your Next Project with Our Variety of Paints, Stains and Specialty Products Below
PPG: Innovating with Paints, Coatings, and Specialty Materials
Leading manufacturers trust PPG’s global color stylists, chemists and technical application experts to provide the innovative coatings that enhance the products we use every day.
为航空工业提供透明度,涂料,密封剂,包装和化学管理的新技术。 结合PPG在涂料和技术方面的专业知识,帮助全球汽车制造商提升其车辆品牌的形象和身份。 当涉及提高耐用性,增强性能或提升外观时,PPG的翻新业务拥有其他公司无法匹敌的成功记录。 领先的制造商信赖PPG的全球色彩设计师,化学家和技术应用专家,提供创新的涂料,以增强我们每天使用的产品。 几十年来,PPG的研发专家已经创造出涂料,使得几乎每个行业的产品都变得更好,从食品和饮料到化 …
SPEEDHIDE ® Interior/Exterior Rust Inhibitive Steel Primer - PPG …
Access PPG's full datasheet portal here or visit https://products.ppgac.com/ <p>SPEEDHIDE<sup>®</sup> Interior/Exterior Rust Inhibitive Steel Primer is a one-component rust inhibitive steel primer. It offers excellent adhesion.</p>
在线选色 - PPG色彩之声色卡- PPG大师漆中国官网
PPG The Voice of Color®色彩之声配色系统拥有2,000余种色彩选择,在这里总能找到适合您个性风格的配色。 您可直接输入色号或色彩名称点击搜索,或按 色系 进行挑选。
PPG Powercron® 第六代阴极环氧电泳漆
基于相同的核心阳离子环氧树脂技术, 我们的电泳漆解决方案 - FRAMECOAT® II、Powercron 6100HE 和 Powercron 6000CX – 都是经细心配制,以达到特定但关键的性能特征, 并与各种预处理和密封剂协同工作。 PPG 可以提供您的电泳涂装操作所需要的创新、性能和服务。 至1963 年开创阳极电泳技术之后, 我们一直走在技术研发创新的前沿,创造了全球公认的性能标准和世界厂商的支持。 Powercron 第 6 代系列提供简化的操作性能和成本节约,具有高泳透力,允许密集 …
PPG Paints | Architect and Specifier Resources
View PPG Paints comprehensive library of specifications that covers 8 sections in full-length format both with and without MPI reference. MasterSpec specifications are customizable and include qualitative product overviews, editing instructions, reference standards, manufacturer and product comparisons, drawing coordination and specification ...