The PPG Way - PPG People
PPG People is our platform for sharing our dedication and commitment to the principles of The PPG Way. We are insightful, dedicated and proactive. We have intimate knowledge of the market and our customers. We focus on practical solutions that make a difference. We are better and stronger together.
Workforce Engagement | PPG Sustainability Report
The PPG Way aims to enable, empower and encourage each employee to embrace our company culture. The six core tenets of The PPG Way embody a culture of ownership, empowerment, and inclusiveness. They serve as a roadmap for all employees as we strive to achieve our purpose of protecting and beautifying the world.
Leadership Development | PPG Sustainability Report
The model identifies specific behaviors that employees at all levels of the organization can use to become better leaders. 2023 marked the first full year that the PPG Way to Lead was implemented across the company, and we have continued to align our training and developmental resources with the core competencies defined in the model.
Our Purpose: PPG's Commitment to Innovation and Sustainability
Explore how PPG is driving industry advancements and delivering exceptional solutions to customers (professionals and consumers alike) worldwide. Discover the essence of PPG, a global leader in paints, coatings, and specialty materials.
PPG成功之道:我们的持续旅程_Way - 搜狐
2019年3月12日 · 在视频中,McGarry阐释了“PPG成功之道”的六大支柱,以及它们将如何为所有员工提供指导。 McGarry explains the six tenets of The PPG Way and how they will guide the way for all employees.
PPG工业公司是全球性的制造企业,生产及经营涂料、玻璃、 玻璃纤维 及化学品,在世界上位居行业先导地位。 美国财富500强企业,在全球近70个国家设有生产基地及附属机构,共有超过30,800名员工,是世界领先的交通工具用漆、工业、航天和包装用涂料制造商。 PPG每年投资上亿美金开发并 改进产品 、程序,并研发最新技术以适应市场的需求。 PPG是几家自1899年以来不断给股东分红的上市公司之一,已连续35年不断增加给股东的分红。 在中国,PPG 汽车涂料 的 …
PPG Industries, Inc. | PPG Global
Through dedication and industry-leading expertise, we solve our customers’ biggest challenges, collaborating closely to find the right path forward. PPG has a long heritage of, and commitment to, innovation, sustainable product development and community engagement. The PPG Way. Every single day at PPG: For more information on PPG, visit ppg.com
Ayudamos a proteger y embellecer el mundo de la manera correcta ... - PPG
Protección contra el lavado de dinero y los delitos financieros. Cumplimos con las reglas de compraventa de valores. Nos comunicamos con cuidado. Sección IV: Hacemos negocios con integridad. Competimos de forma justa. No ofrecemos ni aceptamos sobornos ni compensaciones indebidas. Intercambiamos obsequios y hospitalidad de manera adecuada.
How PPG People Lived The PPG Way in 2020
2021年1月5日 · In these 74 stories, we could see that throughout this year, we were still #PPGProud to highlight PPG People across the region and inspire others with the stories of their career journeys, outstanding achievements, breakthrough projects and wellbeing tips. Let’s take a look back at the stories that helped shape 2020.
The PPG Way - YouTube
At PPG, we are focused on protecting and beautifying the world every day. It’s part of The PPG Way. We view each day as an opportunity to make a difference i...