Delimit Position in PPOME - SAP Community
In order to delimit positions, I have always used PO13 and the Object>Delimit option in the menu at the top. A user has e-mailed me saying the delimit option has 'disappeared' in PPOME. I was not aware of a way to delimit in PPOME. I have looked and couldn't find one. Should there be a delimit option in PPOME? If so, where is it located?
requsitiion workflow and PPOME | SAP Community
I had created a postiion in PPOME in our development system and obviously the system generated a ID number for that position and then i did all the configuration that is required in MM for hte requstiion approval process to work. everything else moved to Quality system but the workflow ID generated in PPOME tcode did not move from our ...
Cost center in PPOME columns - SAP Community
Cost center in PPOME columns. 271 Views. Follow RSS Feed Hi Experts, I have a requirement that I have to ...
TCODE - PPOME - SAP Community
Hi Frineds. Can any one tell me what is "Assigned as of" and "Assigned untill" dates in PPOME TCODE screen. Here i have faced a problem, i have assigned a person to position from 23.07.2008 and "Assigned as of" also the same date i have given instead of …
more fast way to create organization in PPOME? - SAP Community
when creating new organization in PPOME, talbe control styled popup screen which shows seven rows visually comes up. I usual y have lots of organization code in my Excel, so I just copied 7 rows of them and paste into that popup table control 7 rows at one time and repeat that procedure many many times.. you know it's too tiresome..
Adding a new tab in PPOME - SAP Community
Hi, We have a requirement like adding a new tab in the trasaction PPOME. Can somebody share their knowledge on this.
PPOME - date and time popup on transaction start - SAP …
PPOME - date and time popup on transaction start. 123 Views Last edit Sep 05, 2019 at 04:09 PM 2 rev ...
PPOME multiple divisions - different company codes and …
PPOME multiple divisions - different company codes and controlling areas. 228 Views. Follow RSS Feed ...